By Beau Crosetto
Yesterday after a full day of meetings I stopped by the beach to do a walk and prayer time. The wind was blowing incredibly hard for Southern California – it was hard to walk and ocean water was spraying up onto the walkway.
As I was walking, I heard God say to me, “Beau, I am so much more powerful than the strongest wind.”
It caught me off guard and I began to think about the Holy Spirit as wind.
“The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.” – John 3:8
“When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. 2 Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting.” Acts 1:1-2
The Holy Spirit continued to minister to me about his power and how he can open any door, bring longings into fruition, and transform any heart.
Faith began to rise and I was able to pray boldly and expectantly for seemingly impossible things I want to see God do.
- For him to create witnessing communities of Greeks on all 17 campuses I oversee.
- For him to transform the hearts of stubborn or spiritually blind students.
- For him to draw my neighbors into his presence and into relationship with him.
- For him to fully resource our mission not just for this year but for the years to come. For all the finances, all the workers, and all the partnerships we need.
- For him to give Greeks kingdom vision and a heart for the poor. So as they lead in business after college they carry their power well and as service to others.
What about you? What do you need God to do for you? His Spirit is so dang strong.
For the apostolic leader who is working hard to plant new ministries: where do you need the Spirit to blow open the doors?
For the prophetic leader working hard to see things not seen come into view: what do you need the Spirit to reveal to people so what you’re longing for can come to be?
For the evangelistic leader working hard to lead others to Christ: whom do you need the Spirit to blow on so they regenerate and come to faith?
Leave something you are longing for in the comments and I would love to pray!

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What a profoundly powerful post!