We are really excited about the response we have seen and heard about since releasing our FREE Ebook last Thursday. If you didn’t get it yet, download it here.
But we really want help from our APE tribe to help us spread the word and get this book into as many hands as possible so we are GIVING AWAY 13 FREE BOOKS to those that share!
Click to Tweet Now and Enter the Drawing
The APE Ebook is great for:
- Ministry Teams to read together
- Christians that want to get familiar with APE language
- Christian Leaders that want to go deeper with APEST and need stories and ideas
This ebook is designed for you to give it to your friends and team members so they don’t have to come to the blog and search through all the posts. This Ebook is totally organized for a 101 introduction so your friends can just read right through it and understand the APE callings, language, and how to implement them.
So we want to incentivize you to SHARE…
Neil Cole is giving us 5 FREE copies of “Primal Fire” to incentivize you to spread the word about our Ebook.
Primal Fire is an in-depth look at the five-fold callings in Ephesians and it will unpack APEST for you. If you love this blog and our Ebook, you will love his book to go even deeper. If you share our Ebook, you will enter yourself into the drawing for one of five copies.
I am also going to give away eight copies of other missional books
- Church Zero by Peyton Jones (5 copies)
- Incarnate by Michael Frost (1 copy)
- Miracle Work by Jordan Seng (1 copy)
- Faith is Like Sky Diving by Rick Matson (1 copy)
You can pick which book you want – first come first serve.
Here is how to enter yourself for the drawing…
You can enter the drawing by doing any one of these four things. Each one is a separate entry, so you can have multiple shots at this book if you do them all
- Twitter (3 winners) (every tweet +1)
- Tweet this Now
- Download @ReleaseTheAPE FREE ebook. Understand apostolic, prophetic, evangelistic callings. http://releasetheap.es/1ALgVrp #ReleaseTheAPE
- must use #ReleaseTheAPE
- Download @ReleaseTheAPE FREE ebook. Understand apostolic, prophetic, evangelistic callings. http://releasetheap.es/1ALgVrp #ReleaseTheAPE
- Tweet this Now
- Facebook (2 winners)
- Share on your Timeline
- Download @ReleaseTheAPE FREE ebook. Understand the apostolic, prophetic, evangelistic callings. http://releasetheap.es/1ALgVrp #ReleaseTheAPE
- must use #ReleaseTheAPE
- Download @ReleaseTheAPE FREE ebook. Understand the apostolic, prophetic, evangelistic callings. http://releasetheap.es/1ALgVrp #ReleaseTheAPE
- Share on your Timeline
- Email (2 winner)
- Send an email to your friends with the book link and cc beau@releasetheape.com
- you will be automatically entered into the drawing
- https://www.exponential.org/resource-ebooks/release-the-ape/
- Send an email to your friends with the book link and cc beau@releasetheape.com
- Comment (1 winner)
- Comment on this post below
- One thing your wanting to learn about the APEST callings right now
- Comment on this post below
We REALLY want to get this Ebook into the hands of many. This is one great way to start balancing the APE vocations and language in the church – start having MANY people read this and gain new language and insight. We can’t reach the people you can reach, so PLEASE share the link to our Ebook even if you don’t want a book. We need everyone to help us get the word out. Lets really come together as a community and get the word out about this book. Any tweeting, forwarding of posts, and sharing on your FaceBook timeline is SOOOOO Helpful to us! Thank you for helping us promote!
So just to be clear, you can win by commenting, tweeting, Facebooking or emailing!
You can tweet as many times as you want for a chance to win!
The contest will be open all week!
I will notify you next Sunday night if you have won by replying to your comment, tweet or Facebook post or email!
Eight Books will be given away this week. *All winners will be chosen randomly*

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