I wanted to share this incredible story of healing that I heard this week. A major way that we explain the prophetic is in the ability to hear God and follow His voice into action and obedience. Prophetic energy pushes us to hear God and follow his voice into obedience. Many times following God’s voice leads us into praying for others healing and trusting him in the supernatural. This is a story from Julie Golingan Roberts. She is staffing a plant at San Joaquin Delta College in the Central Valley of CA.
Within the last year, God has pushed me in expanding my view of who he is and what he is capable of. My first experience with supernatural ministry was during my intern year at the Kapwa Leadership Institute over the summer of 2013. James Choung was there and did a “simulation” on prophetic and healing gifts. I was pretty uncomfortable with what was happening but I didn’t want to limit God and how he was communicating with the students there. During the conference, I approached James with my questions and he challenged me to think about the character of Jesus in a different way. “Doesn’t God want to give good gifts to his children?”, he asked. “Of course!!”, I responded but still unsure of what that meant for me. Long story short, he had me open my bible to 1 Corinthians 12 and said, “Here’s your menu; which gift do you want?” Still uncertain, I said I wanted the gift of healing and so we prayed for the gift of healing. That night a few of us prayed for a student who had twisted his ankle while practicing a Tahitian dance to share with the conference. As we prayed, the pain went away and he was able to dance that night! But I was still unsure if it was me or the other people praying for him. I prayed for other students on our campus that year for them to be healed but I think I was still unsure of how “effective” I was being. And then this random event happened a few weeks ago…
“One of our staff team’s MI’s (ministry intern) texted me tonight asking if i could pray for her head cos she had a really bad migraine. i asked if my husband, Ralph, and I could come over to her place and pray for her, and she said sure. as we pulled up, ralph was like “let’s pray before we go in.” so we prayed and then after he was like “wait, hold out your hands.” and he prayed for the holy spirit to give me power to heal Lauren tonight. which is funny because I was under the assumption that he was going to heal her because he’s been praying for people to be healed all summer and went to your Holy Spirit class at NISET (InterVarsity Staff training) in July.
so we go in to Lauren’s and we ask Lauren what is hurting and she tells us about the atlas, the part where the neck and head meet and how she has a birth defect. so i told her neck to be healed and for the atlas to be made straight. and then we asked her how it was feeling and she said she didn’t have a migraine anymore! so i prayed again for the atlas to be healed and for the tendons to be loosened. asked her again, and she said it didn’t hurt anymore! but she said there was still pain from her collarbone not aligning with her shoulders so it caused posture issues in her neck and upper back. so i told her bones to align and for her collarbone to be made straight–AND HER SHOULDER POPPED INTO PLACE. it was the loudest pop in someone’s shoulder i’ve ever heard. it was crazy. it was almost like it JUMPED into place. so then asked again how it felt and it didn’t hurt except some muscle in her neck that she said was really slight but it hurt a little bit. so i told it to be completely gone and lauren was like “ok, no joke, the pain is completely gone.” SO AWESOME!!
So we ended with a worship song and then came back home. praise God!”
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