Let’s Meet Up @ Urbana!!!
Urbana is kicking off tomorrow and many of us are really excited about it. It is the largest Missions Conference held in North America and we are expecting 18,000 people to show up! It is going to be an awesome time getting re-calibrated to the heart of God for the world.
While we are there we might as well have a meet up!
For those of us that love talking about apostolic, prophetic, and evangelistic things this could be a great time to get together and process what God is doing in our midst and how we can move forward with him.
Plus, if you are a reader or regular contributor to this blog, this could be a fun time for us like minded people to just kick back and have some fun together. Make the 18,000 person conference a little smaller.
Three Reason you should make the effort
- It’s the first Release the A.P.E. gathering ever!
- Many of us have never met each other
- You can have a space to talk with like minded people!
A friend has kindly opened up his suite to us in Ramada Inn, so lets meet there Friday at 10:30pm-12:00am. I don’t know the room yet so Tweet Me or FB message me Thursday or Friday. Or you can sign up to be on our email list and i will email you and update!
I know it is late, but it’s Urbana! Feel free to come and hang as much or little as you wish. It will be casual!
When: Friday December 28th
Time: 10:30pm – 12:00am
Where: Ramada Inn (Room # TBA)
*remember to tweet me or FB message me for room # or you can check back here and I will update once at the conference!)
If you are not going to Urbana, you can follow the conference live here.

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Dude–I’m there. Hope it’s just more than Beau and me. Although, that’s not the worst thing in the world. 😉
Hey Beau,
Really looking forward to connecting with you and other APE’s on Friday at Urbana!
we will be meeting tonight at 11pm. Emb suites #235. See ya there!!