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I came across this article on Facebook and I thought I should share it here. I couldn’t believe (well I guess I can believe) what the most searched “preference” in porn was this last year.
You can read about it here.
don’t worry, you won’t see any porn, its a clean site.
Since this site that is trying to raise up and encourage prophetic leaders, this is a must issue.
If we are not taking porn seriously in our own lives and in the lives of the people we lead, we will never be prophetic leaders that can lead others into transformation. I firmly believe that if us (men) can fully submit our sexuality, we will be able to submit to God in almost any area. This is one of the hardest areas for young men specifically and if we/they fully surrender to Jesus in this area, I always see huge fruit explode forward.
I know women struggle with porn too, but I am a man and can only speak personally from this point.
So a few questions:
- Who are you talking to about your struggle with porn?
- if you’re married do you talk to your spouse about it? why or why not?
- Have you ever considered you have an addiction? How would you know?
- A counselor friend of mine says, “try and stop for one week and see if you can.”
- How do you talk to the people you lead about it?
- How do you model surrendering your sexuality to Jesus?
Prophets urge the people to holiness and alignment with God. While there are many areas that the world, America, and we as individuals are out of line with Jesus, sexuality and porn specifically is a major way.
We can’t lead holiness movements and usher in the Kingdom of God if we are stuck in porn and so are the people we are leading with. I know for some it may be a matter of addiction, and I certainly don’t mean to imply a “snap out of it” attitude. More so I am speaking to the reality and heart posture that we are all fighting (or not fighting) this in our own lives, and in the lives of others. We can’t act like it will just be fine or solve itself – this is only going to get worse online.
I know we all get annoyed at the stereotypical “accountability group” so let me leave it to you to help us be creative:
What are effective ways to fight porn for yourself and the people you lead? What has worked in leading yourself and others into holiness around sexuality? Please share in the comments.

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