This is a must read ebook! I really think this is a winner and I am going to make my staff read it and recommend it to all the students in our ministry. I love this book by Michael Frost because it gives a great hook about evangelism and why and how we should do it, but then it gives us very very practical ways to live out a Jesus-centered life. He gives us an acronym, BELLS, and each letter is a simple yet challenging habit that if you live into with community God is going to move.
This book is great for…
Ministry Leaders: If you want to create a framework for discipleship or some organization around your missional team of people, this is great stuff to form a community around. If your people practice these habits, your culture will be pretty awesome.
Everyone Else: If you start living these principles out and even doing so with other people, you will see life in your walk with Jesus. This will help you grow and experience God not only in you but through you!
One Critique
As much as I like this book, I do not fully agree with the way Frost lets believers off the hook for initiating evangelistic conversations. He does a great job giving us vision to live “questionable lives” that provoke curiosity and questions from friends who are not following Jesus, but he makes it too simple and passive in my mind. He tells us the “non gifted” evangelists job is just to respond to those questions and be ready for them. But that is not enough in my opinion. Every day followers of Jesus need to be able to initiate conversation and boldly proclaim Jesus to friends when they see God at work. We cannot only wait for people to ask us questions. Yes, there is a difference between gifted evangelists and every day witnesses, but the difference Frost calls for is too dichotomous. Every person can and should experience leading others into the Kingdom of God, and James Choung and I are currently writing an ebook to expound on this thought more. It will be out in April. We don’t have to be over bearing or pushy, and we don’t only have to wait until others ask us questions. There is a third way.
Download the book. It’s free!

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