[If you have a great story from college or know a great story please submit here]
“For it seems to me that God has put us apostles on display at the end of the procession, like men condemned to die in the arena. We have been made a spectacle to the whole universe, to angels as well as to men.” – 1 Corinthians 4:9

It all started out well, with all the worship, prayer, intercession, and soaking, until one day, my friend’s fleshly desires broke into his heart. I think ministries will all really experience same struggles. But as for us, it turned out from bad to worse. He backslid, and so was my other classmates who were his disciples. But still, God was able to sustain the ministry through me. Until, with all the tears I sow, my friend got back to his life in Jesus. And everything went great, more than we have experienced at first. It was really my response to God together with my disciples and our rebellion to the status quo that made us endure until this day.
Today, I am proud to say that even though we now have gone to our separate campuses for college, still we meet together as a team, and my disciples are now leaders of the church. And as an apostle, I also trained leaders for my former campus. And, right now, it doesn’t cease to exist because of them who got a “double portion” of our spirit.
As an apostle, I am dedicated to raise up apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers in every group, community, or campus I’m in. And I think that the reason why my former campus prospered more than before is because of the five-fold ministry corporately operating for the expansion of the Kingdom (our first ministry was apostolic-prophetic).
Right now, I’m in a challenge of starting a ministry to my current, dedicated Jesuit university. I find it difficult (my classmates find my cause a contempt for their religion), but I know, by the grace of God, all I prayed will soon take place. Currently, I have an evangelist, and we are now in search for the chained APE’s in the campus. By God’s grace, we are able, ALL FOR GOD’S GLORY.
“I do all these for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in its blessings.” – 1 Corinthians 9:23
[If you have a great story from college or know a great story please submit here]

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It is a good idea to get these students connected with InterVarsity Philippines, which has a long history working among Filipino students, so that they can have support, wisdom, and be connected to the local IFES movement (if they are not already).
I agree with Laura. My mom is Filipino, and back in the day was part of InterVarsity in the Philippines and was greatly blessed by it.
God bless you more Eduardo 🙂
Your testimony is really encouraging especially for the students all over the world.