Beau Crosetto & Linson Daniel are starting a regular video chat to talk bout what the apostolic, prophetic and evangelistic roles in the church look like in 2021! It's time for a fresh conversation!
After years of little writing, Beau and Linson are back to discuss via video what these roles can look like in todays world given our racial, political and religious climates. Its time for a fresh conversation about mission!
Please subscribe to our YouTube Channel and like our video! When we get over 100 subscribers, we can do more things to the channel to even make it better!
Also, leave us a comment with a question or tension you have right now. What are you chewing on with regards to A.P.E. as we head into the Fall of 2021? We want to answer your questions and we want to know what y’all are thinking about!
Thanks friends!

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