I first saw the video on Phil Cooke’s site.
I don’t know what to even say…I will let the prophets speak in the comments
As I have thought about this a little more today and even showed my neighbor, who is not a christian, the video, I have had a few laughs and a little perspective.
My neighbors comment,
“Oh, so the church is supposed to take care of you huh? Make you rich? Ok, I get it now. Geeeeeeez”
This is down right crazy. FIrst of all, It is weird when something like this is going on in your back yard and you don’t even know. Yeah, LA is big, but I need to learn a little bit more about what is going on here. Secondly, this is crap. What a disgrace to the body of believers and Jesus himself.
- Because it is horrible theology
- It is totally turning people that are far from God off more
- These guys are making fools of themselves and the name of God by doing reality TV
- Why did hollywood choose these guys??
- Well I know why…It is Hollywood.
- They pick all health and wealth preachers and call that “preachers of LA”. Lord have mercy.
So please…leave me your comment. What do you think?

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That is truly bizarre.
Yeah, I’m pretty sad about it too. It makes christians all over look completely self-centered and foolish. Actually, I know the guys executive producing the show, I grew up with them both in Detroit & actually I used to date one of them for for-ever way back in high-school/early college. I don’t think they are intending harm and i’m pretty sure, they feel like this is actually a good thing for the body of Christ. I don’t know what’s sadder, that they think that, or that the show is moving forward at all. I agree with you though, it’s sad b/c if they picked out preachers like you & your wife or other non-profit ministry leaders it probably wouldn’t be as tv worthy, as catchy, as drama-filled, soap-opera-ish…so that leaves us with the bottom of the barrell ala honey-boo-boo. it’s disappointing.
Come on Grace, you don’t think Kristina and I could hang?
There is nothing wrong with this show exposing reality so some church goers can stop making little gods out of some preacher who has a good teaching gift.
The real shame is how most preachers quote the Malachi curse to collect their tithes and even shameful is their robots who don’t understand Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law according to Galatians 3:13.
Hey Bible illiterates it is time to open the Bible and read every word for yourself and this will stop the tithe myth that you can be cursed for not keeping one Old Covenant law that God never required of you in the first place. Gentile Christians are under a whole different Covenant, The New Covenant.
This is causing me to stumble. I am judging so bad… that’s crazy
Contrary to popular belief we are to judge but not if we are guilty of the same sin!
1 Corinthians 5:12
It isn’t my responsibility to judge outsiders, but it certainly is your responsibility to judge those inside the church who are sinning.
13 God will judge those on the outside; but as the Scriptures say, “You must remove the evil person from among you.”
Paul the Apostle was speaking of ex-communicating a man sleeping with his own father’s ex-wife.
“Dang I should get bodyguards!” … Glad Paul didn’t say that or we would have Philippians, Ephesians, Collossians, Philemon… Well I guess it’s ok, those “preachers” probably don’t read much of those letters anyway…
One thing is for sure, some of them like McClendon have quoted the Malachi 3:9 curse for not tithing and must not have read Galatians 3:13 where it says Christ removed the curse over his blood bought redeemed when he died on the cross. So they don’t even realize that Malachi quote they use to get their tithe payments has been voided.
Left this comment on Phil Cooke’s blog:
7000 people groups totaling nearly 3 billion people still have little to no access to the Gospel in our generation, most living off of a couple of dollars a day, and these men are flaunting their lavish lifestyles in the name of Jesus. Most would probably claim to be “Spirit filled”, but I would say that they are going to come off as full of themselves. God help us. I predict that those who choose to watch will see the syncretistic American Gospel enterprise in full view, where consumerism and materialism reign on equal footing with cherry picked parts of the Savior’s message.
Dang John! You better jump in a pool cause you’re on fire! Ok that was lame of me, but so is this show! Good word man.
Feeling incredibly Judgmental about this horrible right Id rather ride a bike and spend the money on the poor than drive a Bentley or live in a big house like that. Maybe we just need to ask God to have mercy on them and ourselves for how we feel. Maybe they are in that circle because God is really moving them to be there to get rich and wealthy people to come to God. I think its Lame and I’m disappointed in Oprah there I go again Lawd have Mercy