First Meeting On Campus

[This post is part of the “4 Hour Campus Plant” series. I am live blogging my attempt to plant a ministry at a new campus with only 4 hours a week. This is a continuous story that builds, so make sure to start at the beginning.]

May 12, 2015

Let me start by saying that the cost of planting is high. Ok, I was running late, I hurried out of my car to run to the meeting, and I forgot to pay the parking meter. What should have cost me $2 is now costing me $49 🙁

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Planting Pushes Cults Away

[This post is part of the “4 Hour Campus Plant” series. I am live blogging my attempt to plant a ministry at a new campus with only 4 hours a week. This is a continuous story that builds, so make sure to start at the beginning.]

May 18, 2015

I was excited to go to LBCC today because Pastor Sean was going to join me and I wanted him to get a taste for what its like to plant a college ministry. While Sean is a prolific high school pastor and leader, he had never been apart of a ministry on a college campus – this would be his first time.

Here’s a taste of how we are feeling before we drive over:

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Another Meeting With Pastor Sean

[This post is part of the “4 Hour Campus Plant” series. I am live blogging my attempt to plant a ministry at a new campus with only 4 hours a week. This is a continuous story that builds, so make sure to start at the beginning.]

May 8, 2015

After the meeting with Pastor Sean at the Mexican restaurant, I couldn’t contain my excited nor wait to get back together with him to talk and pray about LBCC. He made it clear to me that he had some time to give to this venture, so we schedule a meeting for the next Friday at my office.

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Temptations Planters Face: Wrong Expectations

I am starting a new series on the Temptations Planters Face.  As I am in the middle of a planting mission myself, I find certain temptations coming my way that cause me to get frustrated, anxious, distracted, and unsure. Obviously planting, and for that matter any ministry, can cause the above mentioned things to happen. But what I have noticed is that there are certain temptations planters face uniquely that, if not dealt with properly, can totally derail them.

The first one I will bring to us today is wrong expectations. 

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What is Apostolic Confidence?

I have just started a book called To Spread the Power: Church Growth in the Wesleyan Spirit and I’m the section on apostolic confidence.

Reverend McCabe was sent by the Methodists in 1881 to plant churches all over the Northwest and they came to a point where they were starting a CHURCH A DAY and in some months two a day! He wrote about his mission in a paper and this is one great story:

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