Been a while since we have written in this space! It’s great to be back and I hope some of you are reading still.
I wanted to pop in and recommend a new book that three of our RTA authors wrote together – Reviving Mission: awakening to the everyday movement of God.
Jon Hietbrink, Linson Daniel and Eric Rafferty do an excellent job taking us deeper into the missional heartbeat and posture of Jesus and the early church.
The crux of the book is a framework for planting ministry and living a sent impulse and rhythm as a body of Christ – the 4 Es.
They walk you through a framework of encountering Jesus, exploring new places, empowering new leadership, and then establishing rhythms together.
My favorite chapter is five – Explore: lift up your eyes. I love the way they get us thinking about how to look at new spaces and join with God in what he is already doing. This is an area where many of our ministries are struggling – so we stay inward and keep working on what we already know and control. Plus, I love the story in the chapter as it hits close to home as I watched a minsitry partner press into the 4 Es in dynamic ways.
I hope you purchase the book! Links to that and other resources are below:
- Link to BOOK itself on Amazon —
- Link to WORKBOOK on Amazon —
- Link to DEVOTIONAL on Amazon —
- Link to Social (@revivingmission) —
*Link to their base website where y’all can subscribe —
** In the coming weeks I will do a couple video interviews with the authors discussing how the 4 Es can play out in both campus ministry and church ministry. We will do two different ones to hit both contexts.

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