- Kristina, Noah (11), Sophia (9), Wesley (7). Dec 2020
I am an apostolic evangelist and 3 years ago moved with my family (Kristina Crosetto, Noah-11, Sophia-9, Wesley-7) to Louisiana to restart the work on InterVarsity in the state of Louisiana. Before that we started a network of ministry in Los Angeles focused on fraternity and sorority students called Greek InterVarsity.
Both Kristina & I have a Masters Degree in Evangelism & Leadership from Wheaton College as we studied under Dr. Rick Richardson. He is a hero in the faith for us.
Beyond Awkward Evangelism
I had the privilege of writing an evangelism book, “Beyond Awkward” in 2014 and have had a blast training churches and organizations to move beyond the tensions and fears that keep us from talking about Jesus.
You can see much more about me, my evangelism web course and free resources at www.beyondawkward.com
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