We are giving away 5 copies of “Miracle Work” by Jordan Seng this week!
I am really excited to give this book away to you all. I was just at IVP two weeks ago right after this book released and they generously offered me 5 COPIES TO GIVE AWAY to you.
I love this book so far because it is such a power faith builder for the every day person to do miracles in Jesus name. I think Jordan Seng has excellent stories, theology and handles for all of us to step into the supernatural life like Jesus commanded.
He comes across very genuine, honest and down to earth and that is hard to do in a book like this.
For anyone that wants to learn more about the supernatural or take a step further, this is a MUST READ! I will give this book to many on my own dime.
Here is how to enter yourself for the drawing…
You can enter the drawing by doing any one of these four things. Each one is a separate entry, so you can have multiple shots at this book if you do them all!
- Comment (2 winners)
- Comment on this post below and share with us one question or story you have about the supernatural.
- Twitter (1 winners)
- Tweet this post using @releasetheape in the tweet. (each tweet is +1 entry)
- Facebook (1 winner)
- Comment on our Facebook Page telling us why you want the book!
- +1 entry…Share this post on your timeline and email me that you did
- Subscribe (1 winner)
So just to be clear, you can win by commenting, tweeting or Facebooking!
You can tweet as many times as you want for a chance to win!
The contest will be open all week!
I will notify you next Sunday night if you have won by replying to your comment, tweet, Facebook post or email!
Five Books will be given away this week. *All winners will be chosen randomly*

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This is the best book I’ve read this year. In May, I trained 25 college students in supernatural ministry (physical healing, inner healing, deliverance, prophetic, etc.) and had them “try it out” later that night with folks wanting prayer. I saw more physical healings, deliverances, and deep-level healing that week than I’ve seen in almost 10 years of campus ministry. One non-Christian woman had a couple unclean spirits cast out of her, and upon completion of the prayer spontaneously began confessing the name of Jesus and gave her life to Jesus right then. Our God is powerful! And I want to see more people equipped and empowered to live in that reality
I’d love to learn more about the supernatural. I’ve only had a couple experiences with supernatural events. My question is, are these gifts things that can be expressed on command or are we supposed to wait for God’s timing? The Bible encourages us to ask God for healing, but the attitudes of some charismatics have left a bad taste in my mouth.
I’d love to read this book for my student leaders going growing in the supernatural realm since this past year. From prophetic gifts and visions to demonic nightmares and spiritual attacks, my students are slowly being engaged in that realm.
As I win and read this book, the over 100+ students in my chapter reap the rewards of my reading. Please, Release the APE, bless the college students of NYC that I’m staffing by giving away this book to me!
I’m intrigued by this book for so many reasons! First, I’m so hungry to know more about our miracle working God- I can’t remember the last time I heard a sermon or heard someone outside of missionaries or IVCF talk about miracles. Second, I run into many people, Jesus followers and not, and people are hungry to know God and how he meets them- really meets them and they love hearing from this Jesus that I know! Third, I’m moving to Montana to an area where the largest minority is Native American and I have a hunch that this book could give me insight in how to love them in a better way…because I’m pretty clueless at this point- maybe that qualifies as my ask?
I’ve had some experiences with miracle healings, particularly at a revival in central Florida. But I don’t think I’ve ever had clear teaching on how miracles are to characterize Gods Kingdom here on earth. I know they happen, but despite prayer and what I thought was enough faith on my part, I’ve never had the privilege of being a part of a supernatural healing. I’ve tried, but haven’t seen healing, and that failure has led me to be somewhat afraid to try other things that the Bible (particularly Paul) talks about being commonplace in the walk of a disciple of Christ.
I’ve received more prophetic words this year in ministry than any year prior. I’ve also become more comfortable and confident in prayers for healing, both physically, spiritually, and emotionally through the name of Jesus.
I recently went through a divorce, a very hard one. And in the midst of one of my hardest most emotionally strenuous days, the Lord gave a word to someone. Not just a word. Two whole pages of my creator pouring his heart and his words onto paper just for me, and just what I needed to hear. He gave the word to someone I didn’t know and the Lord showed him how to find me. Miracles and the supernatural do happen! God is GOOD!
Were the book winners selected and notified? Just curious because of today’s (10/21/13) post on supernatural ministry