Exponential Los Angeles will offer the DiscipleShift theme based on five shifts churches can make to plant and lead churches that make disciples who make disciples (outlined in the recently released book DiscipleShift by Jim Putman and Bobby Harrington, with Robert Coleman).
Exponential is praying the conference will be a gathering that spotlights the work of church planting already happening in the West; equips leaders; and catalyzes new conversations, relationships and ultimately church planting movements.
If you weren’t able to make it to Orlando or want to give your spouse or team the opportunity to experience DiscipleShift live, make plans to attend Exponential LA. At less than $65 per person (when joined by a spouse), Exponential has made it as affordable as possible to attend. Register today at http://
exponential.org/LA to get the Super Early rate of $99/$29 spouse registration! The price goes up on June 30. So reserve your spot this week.

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