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Here is a cool video that James Choung did with “Explore God” on hearing God.

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Here is a cool video that James Choung did with “Explore God” on hearing God.
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Great job, James! I’m thanking God for the ways He speaks to us. He is not silent.
We’re excited in Austin for the upcoming Explore God campaign (www.exploreGod.com) involving some 300 churches in September.
My God get the glory and may many people who have been far from Him come home.
My experience with Baptist/evangelical theology can best be described as a wild Roller Coaster ride: a lot of great psychological, emotional, and spiritual highs and a lot of deep psychological, emotional, and spiritual lows. Why?
In Baptist theology, your Justification and your Sanctification—your essence as a follower of Christ…if you boil it all down…is really dependent on you and your feelings.
Do I feel saved? Do I feel I really repented in my born again experience? Do I feel that I truly had faith when I made a decision for Christ; when I prayed a version of the Sinner’s Prayer? If I am really saved, why do I feel at times that my faith is so weak? Maybe I need to do the born again experience again; maybe I need to pray the Sinner’s Prayer again, just to be 100% sure that I am saved. I want to know without any doubt that I am saved, and if I do not feel saved, I begin to doubt my salvation.
Baptist/evangelical theology tells me that I will always feel Christ’s presence and strength inside me, if I am a true believer. But what if I don’t feel him there sometimes? If it is true that I should always be able to hear God speak to me, in an inner voice or feel his inner presence move me/lead me to do his will, what is going on when I don’t hear anything or feel anything? Have I committed some unknown sin and he is refusing to hear me? Or is the reason that I don’t hear or feel him present within me… is because I’m not really saved!
I was so incredibly happy to find orthodox (confessional) Lutheranism and find out that my feelings have nothing to do with my Justification, my salvation, nor with my Sanctification, my walk with my Savior and Lord! My salvation was accomplished 100% by God. My assurance of salvation is based on what HE did, not on what I did, or what I currently feel.