I want some college students to start writing on our team! Could it be you?
I work with College students and so do many of our writers, so obviously I am passionate about raising them up and seeing them lead in dynamic and world changing ways. A huge reason I started this blog was to empower college students.
I thought to myself, “What kind of online space would I have loved in college as a young apostolic evangelist?”
The answer was a daily post and community of inspiring leaders that were writing to fire me up. People that were living into the APE calling and understood there was something stirring deep inside to catalyze movements and ministry beyond the current context and for sure beyond the walls of the church.
I would have absolutely loved reading these posts in college and would have loved the opportunity to interact with the different writers here as well.
But What I Would Have Loved More?
I would have loved the opportunity to write with a team of people like this! In college I was always trying to do different things for God. I was taking risks, starting new ministries and just trying to be bold. I was always looking for spaces to grow and to be around others that I looked up to.
So I want to extend that opportunity to some of you!
An opportunity that I would have loved so much.
A College Team of Writers
I want desperately to see a college team of writers emerge on this blog. Students that identify the APE calling inside of them and want to work their thoughts out. Students that also want to influence others with their stories, ministry and new ideas.
I want the church in all its shapes and sizes to start looking at college students as leaders and actually learn something from you guys. If you are given the space to write out your ideas and stories, I think you may catch some people’s attention.
I want to give you your shot before you have your degree and you are all too QUALIFIED! Because you know the only people who get to say anything anymore are the “qualified” ones.
Here is a shot, I hope you take it.
Many time college students feel left out in the church. Often times you are put last and are an after thought when it comes to leadership and what you can do.
But Jesus changed the world with college aged men and women!
This is just one space, and just one opportunity, but I want to extend an offer to you college students to join this APE writing team and make a difference.
If You Want to Write
- Submit a Campus Story (I will post a story once a week from a student)
- Email me a story from campus that fits one of five categories below and I will post it on the blog (500 words max)
- Community…a story about a new community you are reaching on campus (ethnic or cultural group)
- Corner…a story about a new place on campus (dorm, fraternity, department, etc)
- Cause…a story about a cause you are fighting for or starting up
- Campus…a story about a new campus you are reaching…maybe you are starting a new Christian Group
- Conversion…a story about someone coming to faith on campus.
- Email me a story from campus that fits one of five categories below and I will post it on the blog (500 words max)
- APE Writing Team Contest
- If you want to write more seriously with us, then you can enter yourself into the contest to become part of our APE Writing Team.
- email me a story first matching the above criteria
- Write me a 500-700 word post on an APE idea you have
- give me a list 0f 3-6 posts you could see yourself writing over the next few months (maybe a series or something your passionate about)
- If you want to write more seriously with us, then you can enter yourself into the contest to become part of our APE Writing Team.
This blog team is dedicated to being practitioners first (doers of the word) and writers second. That is why we want you to write us a story first. It is important that you are doing first what you want to write about!
What You Will Get
- A chance to give God glory through your story and an opportunity to highlight your campus!
- online interaction with me about your idea and writing
- A chance to grow as a thought leader and writer
- maybe a skype call with me to talk further
- help resourcing you on some of your ideas
If you would like to see college students writing on this blog, please share this and encourage a student to write!
If you are a college student, don’t be shy…send me your story!

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Which e-mail do we send the story to?