Five-Fold Partnership: What Prophets Need

By Eric Rafferty

Of all the gifts in the body of Christ, prophets above all appear to function just fine on their own. The Bible is full of examples of independent prophets who were sent alone with a message or a task from God. They challenged leaders. They rebuked nations and societies. They stood alone in the gap between God and his people. Maybe this is why so many of the prophets of scripture responded to their initial prophetic calling by basically screaming, “NOOOOOOOO!”

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Why Are We Building So Many Walls?

By Beau Crosetto

Something interesting is happening in my neighborhood – a new wall is going up.

A high school teacher that was arrested three months ago owns the house on the right. He was pulled from his house in hand cuffs – I watched it all happen. Bad stuff went down that day. Furthermore, he throws loud parties into the night and to say the least some really fishy stuff is happening over there. It’s also not the first run in with the law he has had.

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Quick Announcement and a Favor

3_D Beyond Awkward #3688Book Launch in 65 Days!

I am really close to wrapping up my long-awaited book “Beyond Awkward”. I will be releasing it September 19th! But before I do, I have to ask you a couple of questions. Can you help me out?

I would love to know what you as APE’s are thinking about evangelism and would love to have some of your collaboration in this!

You can answer the questions here (and get a little more detail on the book) at this link:

Thanks so much!


Don’t Let Your Weakness Fray Your Leadership

“People are going to judge you by your weakest areas, not your strongest.”

I was having a great conversation with my father in law and brother in law yesterday and this is one golden nugget was shared with me by my father in law. He just retired as the President of AT& T in the South East and he has led thousands of people.

He went on to inform me that once you start to rise in leadership, people are going to judge you by what you are weak in.

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