Stick Your Neck Out Faith

Take a risk, stick your neck out...your friend is waiting.

Take a risk, stick your neck out…your friend is waiting.

By Beau Crosetto

Think about a time when you really stuck your neck out on the line. When was that time you believed in something so much that you did all you could to recruit to the cause?

It could be that weekend trip that you are trying feverously to get your buddies to skip work for. It could be that beautiful gal or cute boy that you want to go on a date with you. It could be a cause to save millions of lives and you just need people to donate money. When we really want something, we will stick our neck out and do what it takes.

But what does this look like in the Christian faith? What does, “stick your neck out” faith look like when it comes to Jesus?

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Are You Using Supernatural Ministry?

JSheadshotThis is a guest post by Jordan Seng. He is the senior pastor of Bluewater Mission, and has been engaged in teaching, healing and prophetic ministry, worship, small groups, missions and church planting for the last twenty years. Before helping to begin Bluewater Mission, he served for four years in the Presbyterian church and about 16 in the Vineyard association of churches. He holds degrees from Stanford University and the University of Chicago, with a Ph.D. in Political Theory. He is the author of Miracle Work:  A Down-to-Earth Guide for Supernatural Ministries (InterVarsity Press).  He and his wife Sonya have two children.

A self-proclaimed atheist came with a friend to a recent spiritual encounter retreat hosted by a young man in our church.  She was just curious to see what it was like.  The host politely asked the non-believing visitor if he could include her as he prayed for attendees to be filled with the presence of the Holy Spirit.  She obliged, and soon felt a surge of power as the Holy Spirit filled her and she burst out speaking in tongues.  She was totally shocked.  The next day she returned to the retreat and accepted Jesus as Lord.

Another non-believing young woman was brought to our church because of bizarre, uncontrolled outbursts she’d been having.  While one of our leaders prayed over her in our office, she lost control of herself physically and cried out in a fashion we recognize as demonic.  The young leader cast out the demon, and began a healing friendship with the woman.  Today she’s in control and following Jesus like a trooper.

These stories are a little weird, and also very biblical.  They reflect, for example, the descriptions of the deliverances and healings Philip used to evangelize Samaria (Acts 8), or the way the Spirit fell upon the gathering of seekers in Cornelius’ house (Acts 10), or Paul’s assertion that tongues are a sign for nonbelievers (1 Corinthians 14:22).  The New Testament is filled with accounts of how healings, deliverances, prophecies, and manifest outpourings of the Spirit helped fuel the evangelism and growth of the early Church.

But I find that very few churches today make the effort to use supernatural ministries evangelistically.  Why is that?

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Who Says You Can’t Be Awesome at Sharing Your Faith?

By Linson Daniel

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I had an awesome time last week on campus. Within the span of 60 minutes, I had the chance to talk about life, faith, and Jesus with an atheist, a Hindu, and an international student from Kenya. What a rush! None of them made a significant decision to follow Jesus, but I felt that the Kingdom had come nearer to them. That was pretty exciting.

You may believe that you could never be awesome at sharing your faith. Trust me, I was right there with you. In fact, I still doubt whether I really know what I am doing! However, I keep trying. Along the way, I’ve noticed 10 steps that have helped me become increasingly better at sharing my faith with others.

I believe you can be awesome at sharing your faith with these 10 simple steps:

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Who Am I?


Who am I?

Mom. Dad. Sister. Friend.

I could go on and on, but, I’m sure if you are old enough to be reading this, you’ve asked the question, “Who am I?” at some point in your life.

I think one of the biggest issues facing the American church today is that our church attendees do not have an understanding of who they are, and if they do, they have not been given full freedom to truly live it out. If that is you, let me tell you, as a child of God, you are a missionary, meaning “sent one.”

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What Are The Fruits & Vegetables Of The Soul?


[This post is part of a series called Rooted. Find the other posts here]

 “What can I do to try and stay healthy?” I asked my doctor during my annual physical check-up. His reply, “ Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, exercise, get adequate sleep, and keep an eye on your cholesterol, weight, and blood pressure.”

This is standard advice that is easy to remember though sometimes harder to follow.

What can an apostle, prophet, or evangelist do to stay vital and connected to God? Or put another way, what are the fruits and vegetables for the soul? Here is advice from three respected soul doctors:

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What is the DIfference Between an Evangelist & Apostle? Part 2

Open door

[This is part of a series called “What is the difference between an evangelist and an apostle?” check out the other posts here]

In response to my post about the difference between and apostle and evangelist, Bob Mullins had this to say,

So then an apostle starts new things… with what? Paul went to new territories & started churches amongst pagans…. so how did they become followers of Jesus if not by hearing the Gospel evangelistically from Paul ? I think you have these two gifts confused. An Evangelist causes the church to grow out…by winning people to Christ…but lack the ability to mature them….the apostle establishes them and puts authority & leadership in place that enables them (now the church) to grow up….apostles usually operate in all of the five-fold ministries mentioned in Eph 4.

I think Bob brings up a great point here and I agree with much of what he says, but I have a few things I would push back on.

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I am Proud of San Diego State!

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I came across this video recap of the San Diego State InterVarsity ministry that I was part of and led from 2005-2012. They are doing great and I am so thankful for the leaders that took over for me and are kicking butt.

As an apostolic leader one of my biggest fears is that what I work on with God won’t burst foreword after I am gone. An apostolic leader always wants things to do better when they leave and have leaders that are better than them taking over.

Well, I think alot of things are better at San Diego State now that I have left. There is some great creativity happening and this video is one example. I am thankful for some of the new things they are doing and the new leadership that is emerging.

Enjoy just like I did!

What is the Gospel?

What are you sharing with the world?

What are you sharing with the world?

By Beau Crosetto

There is a huge debate in our culture about what is the ”full gospel” and as an evangelist this is very important to me because I want to communicate to people very well what God’s good news is.

I am very concerned with the way that we work to reduce and simplify the gospel, compartmentalizing into our theological camp. Some of us fight for the language of the Kingdom and focus on Jesus and the gospels. Others of us fight for the atonement stating the gospel is only and exclusively penal substitution. We argue from Paul’s letters and hammer the cross. Others are sick of the whole ordeal and are reverting back to the peaceful language of shalom found in the Old Testament.

But what if the gospel is all three ideas? Shalom, The Kingdom, and Atonement.

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