In the second interview I did with the Reviving Mission authors we get practical! Listen to this 20min episode and hear captivating stories and practical ideas on how to live out the 4 Es on campus or in church planting. This was a really fun discussion and I hope more follow.
When it Comes to Evangelism, You Might Be Forgetting One Important Thing
Yesterday I was on campus meeting with a student who has been seeking Jesus this Fall. She has been part of our ministry structures with Greek InterVarsity and really loving them. As I met with her I asked her what I ask most students who are curious about Jesus but not yet following Him, “What is keeping you from following him today?”
Her answer didn’t surprise me.
“I don’t know what it means to be all in? Like, how do I do it?”
I laughed out loud, and while it awkwardly confusing to her why I was laughing, it gave me an opportunity to explain to her what I often explain to people I am training in evangelism.
Book Review: The Church As Movement
“Today, many churches believe their survival and success depends on collecting and consolidating more resources, programs, paid staff, property and people in attendance.”
How To Interpret Spiritual Gifts
I was asked this question on Twitter today:
@ReleaseTheAPE Think may have asked this before, but how can I explain to others why Eph 4 ministry list trumps others as ministry dynamic?
— Aídan and Abetting (@AidanAshby) February 15, 2016
@ReleaseTheAPE Would you say because Eph is the ecclesiastical epistle, particularly describing the nature and structure of the church?
— Aídan and Abetting (@AidanAshby) February 15, 2016
It is a great question and this is how I would simply answer it.
There is a difference between calling and gifts.
Think of the Ephesian 4 “callings” as vehicles and the “gifts” of the Spirit in Corinthians as accessories that trick up the car.
How To Hear God While On The Move
It is one thing to hear God in a general sense – say in our day-to-day life. But what does it look like to hear God in witness when we are on the move and potentially in some awkward situations? How do we know if he is leading us forward or not?
Are Supernatural Gifts For Today?
In my book, Beyond Awkward, I spend three chapters on the role of the Holy Spirit in evangelism. Some people have written me, and reviewed, saying it was the most helpful part of the book for them. Others have written wondering when it was I fell off the cart!
[5 ways that help me hear God on the move]
With further reflection this summer, and a great conversation with both my brother in law and Tim Catchim, I have come to realize how to talk about the way I see the role of God speaking and the gifts of the Spirit for today.
This post is thinking I am taking further and is not found in my book.
I think a continuum is helpful here.
4 New Evangelism Videos
Sometimes we become acutely aware that things are lacking and it reminds us that we long for a greater joy. Here is how I realized that this week!
I have been answering people’s questions over and below are four videos for you to enjoy on this Saturday morning.
Same-Sex Marriage: How Can We Prophetically Respond?
I posted some of my thinking about the SCOTUS ruling on same-sex marriage on Facebook, and it seemed to resonate with many people. So here is a link to those thoughts if you want to take a look. Just click my name and it will take you there. (you don’t have to be a Facebook member to see).
Archives Page Now Live
What if you could look back through all the great posts that exist on this blog?
Now you can more easily! I have an archives page up and running.
Did you know that 600 posts exist here?
Online Evangelism Cohort
I am considering starting an online evangelism cohort. Would this be something that interests you?
I want to create a community where we can talk about evangelism regularly, and I can encourage and coach you further into witness.
If you are interested, leave your email here, and I will send you more information as well as some questions.
What could the content of the cohort look like?