[This post is part of the “4 Hour Campus Plant” series.]
Can you plant a church giving just 4 hours/week of time?
Two weeks ago I had lunch with Sean, a pastor at my church, and we started talking about Long Beach City College. That campus has 31,000 students and for all intents and purposes it is unreached. We didn’t meet to talk LBCC, but of course it came up and that is where we got stuck. Sean is a youth pastor at my church and focuses on high school primarily. But he is apostolic and has vision and excitement for LBCC as well. When we started talking LBCC, we just couldn’t stop.
I had to film his passion. Check out his plea for us to come help him plant LBCC:
Now I am Hooked
How could you watch that video and not say to yourself, “We have to get to LBCC!” After that lunch I couldn’t stop thinking about the campuses, the potential partnership with Sean, and what God could do if all this came together.
I asked him to gather a few students, or one at least, and lets talk again about some ideas for the campus. Lets test this sucker out and see what God does at the very least right? My apostolic hunch says something is about to pop open here.
But can I plant a ministry from scratch with just 4 hours a week?
Journey With Me…
I met with Sean again last week and I can’t wait to detail that meeting in my next post. I want to help him plant this campus and what I have decided is that I am going to make this a “real time” journey that we can learn from together as it unfolds.
I don’t know if it is possible to plant in 4 hours/week. I want to test it, give it a try, and wait on God to bring the right kind of students and environment into focus.
At the best we will have a vibrant witnessing community on the LBCC campus. At the worst, we will have learned some really great lessons that will sharpen our apostolic calling more pointedly.
So follow along, subscribe to the blog if you haven’t already, and I will post an update on the “4 hour church plant” journey once a week.
In the meantime, one way you can really contribute to the “together” part of this is by posting a question or comment that you have with regards to planting a ministry in 4 hours/week.
What do you want to know? What do you want me to test out? What do you want me to pay attention to? What would you do next if you were I?
Please leave your questions in the comments below.
[This post is part of the “4 Hour Campus Plant” series.]

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