That was a fun competition everyone! I really enjoyed reading all of your comments, tweets and facebook posts! Thanks for participating and we will definitely do it again! This month to be exact!
Alan Hirsch has kindly shipped me five HARD BACK copies of “The Permanent Revolution” that he and Tim Catchim have written. We will be doing another competition and giving those away as well later this month! I Can’t wait!! make sure to subscribe here and stay connected with us!
Here are the winners and what they wrote!
Brian Chung – “Awesome Book!” (shared on his facebook timeline)
Michael Stalcup – “I’m working toward building up a missional community at Claremont McKenna College, especially trying to plant a group in the heart of CMC’s party culture. Already seeing God do some amazing things and I want more! And I want this book. :)”
Chris Land – He is our twitter winner and simply tweeted out the contest 🙂
Jorge Bermudez – “Missional is a way of living your faith wherever you are, intentionally and with passion.”
Kyle – “Missional means having a purpose-mindset to reach others near or far for the sakeof the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”
Good job guys! You will love the book! And sorry there aren’t any lady winners! I promise this was completely random 🙂 email me and I will ship them off to you!

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Congrads guys…it’s awesome that people who already have a passion to apply what they learn have won this great book…be sure to post what you find most helpful where God has you…JR has his blog that would greatly also encourage you those who didn’t win…Pursuing God together