How we see our plot of ground makes all the difference
Tracey Gee is going to start blogging with us every month and I am really excited about that. She is becoming an expert at building chapters and training. She is part of the National Chapter Building Initiative with InterVarsity and helps train and lead staff and students into more growth and reach of students on campus. But she is also leading a planting effort in Los Angeles as well now. She is a great example of both a planter and builder!
In John 4, Jesus tells his disciples to lift up their eyes to see a field ripe for harvest. For years, I have preached that word to students and encouraged them to see their friends and their whole campus as ripe for harvest. I want them to believe that God is bigger than their limits and to widen their perspective. “Don’t miss the bigger picture of what God wants to do” is what I have said. Little did I know that I was more like the disciples than I thought and Jesus wanted to speak to me about that.