[This post is part of the Start Something New series. Read the other posts here!]
Alex spent her childhood in Romania, and then moved with her parents to Los Angeles, CA where she developed a
love for Hip-Hop. When she was old enough to go to college, she chose Long Beach State because of a renowned dance team on campus. She auditioned and made the team.
During her first year, Alex met Sarah, who was planting a campus ministry. “She was extremely missional”, recalls Sarah. “I reached out to her and invited her to get involved in our ministry.” When Alex told Sarah that she had always wanted to be a missionary to another country, Sarah said, “Maybe you’re here for a reason—maybe this is your mission field right now”. They started to meet every week to pray after that. “When we prayed, I got this growing sense that I was sent to [the dance team]—but I wasn’t really sure what I was supposed to do. I started to develop such a love for people on that team”, says Alex.

A guide to help students start new things on campus!
In Start Something New, a handbook for people who want to start missional communities on college campuses, I point out that this is where all genuine Kingdom initiatives find their beginnings—someone begins to sense that God has a role for them among a community of people—and they begin to pray. Those prayers seem ordinary, but they’re very potent. God begins to feed our imagination with images and words and faces and visions for what He wants to see happen. Sarah knew this. She skillfully guided Alex into a mosaic of expressions of prayer—interceeding for friends by name, praying biblical promises and blessings on the team, asking for opportunities to share the gospel, sitting in silence, allowing God to give her images, words or impressions regarding the dance team, and then debriefing the prayers to interpret and clarify what God seems to be saying. In this way, Sarah played an incredibly crucial role in Alex becoming an apostle to an unreached, and highly influential community on her campus.
Are you sensing that God is sending you to a community of people?
Are you mentoring someone who feels this sense of calling?
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