Photo Courtesy of Slack pics (creative commons)
By Linson Daniel
I was contemplating the impact of missionaries coming to India and sharing the Gospel with my ancestors. If it were not for their efforts, then I do not think I would be a Christian today. I am amazed at how God changed generations of countless families in India, including mine, because of the faithfulness of those few missionaries.
Consequently, evangelism is very important to me. I believe that evangelism should be the leading value for any church, para-church, and/or ministry. Out of a healthy culture of evangelism flow the values of growth, discipleship, community, worship, etc.
One of the first things I did as Area Director for North Texas and Oklahoma was to instill the importance of evangelism within my team. My area did not have a fruitful history in the area of evangelism, and this eventually created stagnation in all of the other values. Therefore, I initiated an evangelistic culture shift.
Here are the 5 steps that I used to lead an evangelistic culture shift within our team:
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