Brian Sanders of the Tampa Underground kindly made us a video to encourage those of us that are embracing the APE callings. He tells a very interesting story that really grabs your attention at first and makes you say, “Where is this going?”
Beau Crosetto
What If God Heals Your Friend?
I wanted to share this incredible story of healing that I heard this week. A major way that we explain the prophetic is in the ability to hear God and follow His voice into action and obedience. Prophetic energy pushes us to hear God and follow his voice into obedience. Many times following God’s voice leads us into praying for others healing and trusting him in the supernatural. This is a story from Julie Golingan Roberts. She is staffing a plant at San Joaquin Delta College in the Central Valley of CA.
Two Groups of People in Ferguson
In light of Michael Brown’s funeral today, here is a post on Jonathan Walton’s blog that I thought was great. I encourage you to read it and an excerpt is below:
Win 13 Free Books – Help Us Share
We are really excited about the response we have seen and heard about since releasing our FREE Ebook last Thursday. If you didn’t get it yet, download it here.
But we really want help from our APE tribe to help us spread the word and get this book into as many hands as possible so we are GIVING AWAY 13 FREE BOOKS to those that share!
Click to Tweet Now and Enter the Drawing
The APE Ebook is great for:
- Ministry Teams to read together
- Christians that want to get familiar with APE language
- Christian Leaders that want to go deeper with APEST and need stories and ideas
This ebook is designed for you to give it to your friends and team members so they don’t have to come to the blog and search through all the posts. This Ebook is totally organized for a 101 introduction so your friends can just read right through it and understand the APE callings, language, and how to implement them.
So we want to incentivize you to SHARE…
Release The APE Ebook
I am so excited to share with you all that the Release The APE ebook is out!
Jon Hietbrink, Eric Rafferty, and I have been working hard for months to compile top posts from this blog and turn it into a resource that you can share with your teams and friends to help them understand the APE callings more clearly and easily.
Catalytic Leaders Need Space
Recently Noah, my four year old, has been a bit difficult at home. He is listening poorly, pushing boundaries, and at times willfully going against what we say. We were told the twos were terrible and the fours terrific, but it feels the opposite to me.
Yesterday I took my two kids to the beach and I told Noah he could play anywhere he wanted as long as I could see him.
What ensued was telling.
New APE Library
Do you want access to our training material we are using on campus and in churches? Have you wondered how you are going to personally release the APE in your context?
We have created a library with different training material (seminars, handouts, videos, etc) to help you do just that very thing!
Please Take Our 2014 Reader Survey
We want to make our blog better and more relevant to your needs and interests. To do that, I need to know more about YOU. As a result, we have created a 2014 Reader Survey.
By filling out this survey you will ultimately be helping you as a reader of this blog! Why? Because your answers are going to help shape the content that we post going forward.
Why Are We Building So Many Walls?
By Beau Crosetto
Something interesting is happening in my neighborhood – a new wall is going up.
A high school teacher that was arrested three months ago owns the house on the right. He was pulled from his house in hand cuffs – I watched it all happen. Bad stuff went down that day. Furthermore, he throws loud parties into the night and to say the least some really fishy stuff is happening over there. It’s also not the first run in with the law he has had.
Five Fold Partnership: What Evangelists Need
By Beau Crosetto
What Evangelists Bring
Evangelists bring an un-quenching intensity to see people not following Jesus start following him. They want the community of faith the reach far and wide and if people that don’t know Jesus are not being reached, then the community is not in a healthy spot. Evangelists not only do evangelism themselves and lead others to faith, but at their best this person is creating vision for the community as a whole that is evangelistic where everyone is active in working to see people come to faith. Called evangelists are responsible to train the believers in witness, proclaim the gospel boldly and shape the community of faith to be a place where “sinners” draw near as it was said about Jesus in Luke 15:1
“Then all the tax collectors and the sinners drew near to Him to hear Him.”
But every gift casts a shadow and the evangelist has two clear dimensions.