Another Meeting With Pastor Sean

[This post is part of the “4 Hour Campus Plant” series. I am live blogging my attempt to plant a ministry at a new campus with only 4 hours a week. This is a continuous story that builds, so make sure to start at the beginning.]

May 8, 2015

After the meeting with Pastor Sean at the Mexican restaurant, I couldn’t contain my excited nor wait to get back together with him to talk and pray about LBCC. He made it clear to me that he had some time to give to this venture, so we schedule a meeting for the next Friday at my office.

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Temptations Planters Face: Wrong Expectations

I am starting a new series on the Temptations Planters Face.  As I am in the middle of a planting mission myself, I find certain temptations coming my way that cause me to get frustrated, anxious, distracted, and unsure. Obviously planting, and for that matter any ministry, can cause the above mentioned things to happen. But what I have noticed is that there are certain temptations planters face uniquely that, if not dealt with properly, can totally derail them.

The first one I will bring to us today is wrong expectations. 

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What is Apostolic Confidence?

I have just started a book called To Spread the Power: Church Growth in the Wesleyan Spirit and I’m the section on apostolic confidence.

Reverend McCabe was sent by the Methodists in 1881 to plant churches all over the Northwest and they came to a point where they were starting a CHURCH A DAY and in some months two a day! He wrote about his mission in a paper and this is one great story:

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Blessings of a Post-Christian Culture

This is a great article on living the Christian faith out in a Post Christian society. Written by Tony Kriz.

The article focuses on the church in Portland and how they are partnering to transform the city. One man who was visiting the discussion was from South Carolina and he was baffled about how the city and the church could partner so well in such a non-Christian environment like Portland.

So the man asked in the forum,

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[Video] – Three Rules We Must Break To Be Effective In Evangelism

I am going to start filming a short video every week to encourage you in the sharing of your faith. I have about 70 questions or so that people have submitted to me since the release of my book and I want to answer those to help you all.

[Do you have a question that you want to submit? submit it here.]

I will be releasing the videos at my personal website on a weekly basis, so subscribe there if this would be helpful to you.

Otherwise, about once a month I will put a post up here on this blog recapping the four weeks worth of videos and pointing you to where you can find those.


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