Release the A.P.E. Radio Interview


[This post is part of the A.P.E. Theology series. Read the rest of the posts here!]

Here is an interview I got to do on a radio show in Seattle on August 4th, the second day of the blog! The show is called “Live From Seattle” and it is hosted by Doug Bursch. He started following us on twitter and asked me on to the show. I can tell Doug is a pretty cool dude and I can’t wait to meet him. He gets the APE.

Pretty cool huh?

This interview is 17min long and it helps you grab the intent of the blog and what we are trying to do with it.

He asks me questions like

  • who is this blog for?
  • How do you define Evangelistic?
  • How do you define Prophetic?
  • Do you have any pharisees on the blog? Yes, he asked me that!! But he was joking…listen to what I say!
  • What is our big dream for the blog…what do we hope to see happen here?
Check it out!

Listen to the interview

Get to Know the A.P.E. Writer’s…Beau Crosetto’s Story



One of the first Dorm Teams at San Diego State

[This is a series designed to bring you into the the unique APE stories of each writer on this blog. We hope each one of you can find a little of your APE story inside of one of us. Read the other stories]

I am primarily an Apostolic Evangelist in my gifting and calling so as we launch this blog, I am extremely excited to encourage others with this gift mix to fully live into these vocations so the Jesus mission can go forward and you can feel fully alive as you give yourself to God’s purposes.

The Apostolic Evangelist Came Alive in Me

When I first got to San Diego State as a staff in 2005, I was intent on seeing dorm ministry start. I was and am deeply passionate about starting new things in contexts where people who don’t know Jesus are hanging out.

So in 2005 when I had the discussion with the existing staff team about why this wasn’t happening, a bunch of excuses came out. The two main ones were 1) it is too hard to get into the dorms because there are six doors that take key cards before you get to the floor and you have to sign in at the front with a guest. Since we don’t know people in the dorms, we can’t get in. 2) Students wouldn’t really come to a bible study right on the dorm floor because it is weird.

I politely, or maybe not so politely, called BS, and said, “we are going to do this”. To give the team credit, they fully empowered me and unleashed me to go and start dorm ministry and make it the primary responsibility of my job to get dorm ministry started and to reach people who were not coming and would not come to our group. I was commissioned to reach people “out there”. I loved this and felt most alive.

The combination of the desire to plant and start something new as well as crack open a hard place (apostolic) with the desire for salvation in freshmen and people to hear the gospel at all costs (evangelistic) was so strong in me.

I will never forget the first day of school in the second year of dorm ministry at SDSU (2006). I was training up a two new student disciples that had committed to being dorm leaders with me. We had a team! The first week I modeled for them how to lead a scripture study right in the dorm and their job was to throw an ice cream party and invite the dorm door by door to come. This was a scary task for them but so good as they learned to risk, be rejected, feel awkward, and experience joy as people said yes to coming.

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Release the Apostolic, Prophetic, Evangelistic…part 2

apple tree

[This post is part of the A.P.E. Theology series. Read the rest of the posts here!]

It is time we “Release the APE” Within the church and for the world just like Christians did in the early church. If the church is going to be effective in mission and healthy in growth, we must empower all five vocations as stated in Ephesians 4, not just two. We need the Apostle, Prophet, and Evangelist as well as the Shepherd and Teacher. We need the APE too, not just the ST.

Because it has existed in a “Christianized” society, the western church has become fascinated with calling every position in the church “Pastor” or “Teacher” and we have greatly emphasized these gifts. It is confusing to me when today’s Western churches primarialy only uses the Sheperd/Pastor and teacher titles, when Jesus clearly gave us five vocations as stated in Ephesians 4. Almost every church I go to has many leaders and those leaders are all titled “pastor” and “teacher”. You would be hard pressed to find Western churches that are actually releasing apostolic, prophetic and evangelistic leaders in a healthy way. You tend to either get no mention of the APE vocations or some crazy version of it that Biblically is hard to follow.

We need more books like The Permanent Revolution, where Hirsch and Catchim lay down a theoretical and theological grounding for the five-fold, and Creating a Missional Culture, where JR Woodward shows how the five-fold can work itself out in the local church.

Please hear me clearly at this point: We need pastors and teachers in the mission of God.  What I want to challenge is the way we have overemphasized two vocations (Shepherd, Teacher) while leaving behind the other three more generative vocations (Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist).

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Release the Apostolic, Prophetic, Evangelistic…part 1


[This post is part of the A.P.E. Theology series. Read the rest of the posts here!]

“Inside of every apple is an orchard” – Donald McGavran

This is the beginning of a blog dedicated to unleashing the potential inside of every believer to lead movements in Jesus name. We firmly believe that every person following Jesus has an important role to play in advancing the Kingdom of God.

In the same way a seed produces a tree and then eventually an orchard, we believe that the Holy Spirit filling and dwelling in a soul (seed) can produce a disciple of Christ (tree) and in affect a movement of Jesus followers (orchard) radically changing the world.

There are millions of seeds all around the world waiting to be activated and sent on God’s Mission!

We believe the key to these seeds flourishing is the release of the APE!

It is time we “Release the APE” inside the church and to world just like we did in the early church. If the church is going to be effective in mission and healthy in growth, we must empower all five vocations, not just two. We need the Apostolic, Prophetic, Evangelistic as well as the Shepherd and Teacher. We need the APE, not just the ST.

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Coming Soon! Launching Sept. 3rd

The blog is being built as you read this. Posts will be launching September 3rd.


We were just featured on TentBlogger, check it out!

Here is our blog’s promise to you the reader:

Release the APE is all about activating the Apostolic, Prophetic, and Evangelistic vocations into the world. We are committed to telling real time APE stories, sharing thoughts that shape the APE, and encouraging believers to live into APE vocations so that all the potential for God movements can be unleashed everywhere.

facebook profile

Feel free to subscribe here and catch us in your inbox or reader when we start.

Here are a few things for you to know in the mean time:

  1. We will Launch September 3rd
  2. Many writers will contribute on this blog (see the right sidebar for bios)
  3. We will post five days a week
  4. Learn more about us here
  5. Please Promote the blog…like our FB page, Tweet about us, etc. Thanks!

Feel free to comment below to give us suggestions about content or things you are interested in talking and reading about. We would love the feedback.

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