ReThinking Witness: Creating a Culture for Discipling Skeptics


A blog post about James & my new ebook was written last week highlight a section of our book. If you would like to read an excerpt before downloading, now is your chance.

When it comes to discipling skeptics and seekers, we’ve found that it’s easier for believers to get involved in evangelism when you have an evangelistic community that supports their endeavors. Not only that, they’ll also be more effective. To do that, you need to address the culture of your faith community. How would you change a church culture so that it supported discipling of skeptics and seekers? Here’s a summary of five (download our new eBook,  Discipling Skeptics and Seekers,for the full text) of six rhythms that can help:

Read the full article with the five rhythms here.

Urban Church Planting Plantations



I just read this chilling article by Christina Cleveland and we need to listen to her as we plant. I am curious about your thoughts for those of you who are starting and multiplying churches – especially in urban areas.

I don’t want to be an unhelpful, ignorant, or overbearing white guy, so listening to voices like this is helpful for me. Furthermore we are a body of christ in mission and we need to remember that – especially as we start.

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APE Postcard

Thought I would share this postcard with you and ask you to share it around. If you enjoy this blog, think about posting this on a FB timeline or a blog/website. Maybe even email it out to a few friends. I am even thinking about printing a few out to give to people I come across that would love this blog. I had this made for an ebook insert and I think it looks great and captures what we want to be about in this space. So…calling all the evangelists…share away 🙂


Church Planter Podcast

mza_6838981982579193964.170x170-75I had the privilege of doing an hour podcast a few weeks ago with Church Planter Podcast. I was able to share about our InterVarsity work, Release the APE, and my concerns with evangelism in the church today. It was fun to kick around a few thoughts with them. Already, I have had one church planter contact me about partnering to reach a new campus in LA together. Pretty cool.

So if you want to hear what I had to say, or would like to subscribe to this weekly podcast, you can do so below.

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Are You Seeking God For Revival?

We seek revival every fall with about 400 student leaders in SoCal.

We seek revival every fall with about 400 student leaders in SoCal.

In the Southern California Region of InterVarsity we have been talking about revival a bunch over the years. It is what we feel God has called us to seek Him for during this season of ministry. Our core work is to “plant and build multi-ethnic witnessing communities on colleges and universities in Southern California” and it is inside of this that we are asking God for revival on campus and in our lives.

Of course this brings up many questions. Revival is a scary word to some people. But I think it can help us become more of the Mystic Leader that Brian Sanders talked about last week.

Here is a definition from Tim Keller that I really like. He is one of the main people we follow in our understanding of revival.

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How to Identify an Evangelist in Your Ministry


"How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!" Rom 10:15

“How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” Rom 10:15

If we are going to activate evangelistic people in our ministry, then we have to know what they look like! Sometimes this can be pretty easy if they are highly gifted and are more developed. But if they are a young person it may not be as clear from the surface. You will want to know what to look for. Here are six indicators I often am looking for.

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