Beau is the author of "Beyond Awkward: when talking about Jesus is outside your comfort zone". He is called by God is to raise up and release people that want to start new ministries (apostolic) as well as people that want to share their faith (evangelists). He currently is the Director of Louisiana for InterVarsity Christian Fellowship. Beau is married to Kristina and they have three kids: Noah (12), Sophia (10) and Wesley (8).
Been a while since we have written in this space! It’s great to be back and I hope some of you are reading still.
I wanted to pop in and recommend a new book that three of our RTA authors wrote together – Reviving Mission: awakening to the everyday movement of God.
Beau & Linson share in their latest podcast episode some stories of breakthrough that they have been waiting on for years. They detail the pain that is involved in the process as well. Success doesn’t happen over night, but through thousands of hours of faithful planting moments.
REAL TALK: this episode is literally a “hit and record” look at an unfiltered conversation between Beau & Linson. We did not prep this – we literally hit record in the middle of an unfiltered conversation. We are talking about “Incarnation” vs. “Eschatological” approaches…Linson isn’t so sure we should be pursuing Incarnation. Beau isn’t so sure he is agreeing with Linson…
Incarnation: Becoming all things to all men to win them
Eschatology: we are not talking about here and now, but what is coming
In this season we are exploring how to share the gospel in compelling ways with Generation Z. We dive deeply into what we think is a key reality: Dystopian worldview…not sure what that means? Have a listen and let us know if this resonates.
After years of little writing, Beau and Linson are back to discuss via video what these roles can look like in todays world given our racial, political and religious climates. Its time for a fresh conversation about mission!
Last night I received an email from a person who is studying the Bible with me on Monday nights.
He was asking this question:
“My past years of experience with people and friends have been mostly those who are non receptive to the word and approaching from a place of skepticism, rather than a genuine desire to know and understand.
I was wondering how would I approach as a ‘Philip’ in such scenarios, if I should move on and not engage deeper if they are not interested?”
On Monday nights for seven weeks (starting 3/30/20) we will be studying the “Seven Signs of Jesus” in the gospel on John online together through Zoom.
We had over 100 people from multiple countries join us last week. This study is interactive as we observe the text together, ask interpretive questions and then talk about how to apply it to our lives. We use the breakout room feature in Zoom so we can have both large and small group time. It was a blast. Hope you join us.
This is part of a series called “Starting From Zero”. I am chronicling my current mission and what it looks like to start something new, in a new place.
The water park is designed to stretch you beyond your fear.
And, so is God’s mission.
When it comes to apostolic mission, fear is always involved too. Trying something new, leaving what you know behind and stepping outside the walls of conventional wisdom has a way of both exhilarating and paralyzing us with fear.