This is a guest post by Bex Barton. Her day job is a rockin’ stay-at-home-mum (three crazy kiddos!) She is passionate about writing, tattoos, upcycling (Google it!) and all things artsy! She believes everyone has a role to play in this beautiful, messy life (yes, even *you*!) and seeks to help them find their way back to God.
“Apostle. Prophet. Evangelist. Shepherd. Teacher. Such power in those five simple words. Such passion. Such controversy, as well.
It never ceases to amaze me how the very thing Christ was using to create harmony among us, has been such a tool for dissension.
“Now these are the gifts Christ gave to the church: the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, and the pastors and teachers. Their responsibility is to equip God’s people to do his work and build up the church, the body of Christ.” (Ephesians 4:11-12)
What an absolute honor—that Christ would pour out this power on us. But, as you know, with great power, comes great responsibility. It is also clear what our duties are, as members to the body of Christ—we are to use these gifts to equip, and build one another up.
Why, then, does there seem to be such disunity among the Bride of Christ?
More and more I run into people who seem to have a lack of awareness that we as believers are on the same team. Why the disconnect?
Just as there was an extreme exiling of the APEs, it now seems there has been a pendulum shift toward a ritualistic cleansing the church of the ST “plague”. How one used to proudly proclaim they were a “pastor” or “teacher” of the highest degree, they are now quick to point out, how “apostolic” they are in their new endeavors.
I am a firm believer in each of the gifts listed in Ephesians 4, and I know they have their specific place and purpose. But let us not single out any one of them, either to place on a pedestal, or execute outside the city walls. Love what God is doing in your life, how He is using you; but let us not forget that our Ultimate Example had each of these giftings within Him. We should not be content to be just “a prophet”, or claim, “I could never do that…I’m a shepherd”.
How does one become a four-star General? By diligently and patiently putting in the time and effort to learn and grow through the situations they have been placed in. In return for their perseverance, they receive the reward of title, and the honor that goes along with that. Open your eyes; pay careful attention to where God has placed you, and what He is teaching you through your current situations. Use your time well to grow, and become an apostle who shepherds others gently, or a teacher who can listen with the ears of a prophet.
Never forget: you are not alone on this journey. God has designed the Body to work together like, well, like a body!
Watch any sport or activity, which requires a team effort. How many football games would be won if the quarterback didn’t have the assistance of his teammates? How successful would a band be if it were just a solo instrument? There is beauty in collaboration. Yes, it isn’t always easy to get along with one another, but we must remember,
“Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love. (Ephesians 4:2 NLT)
Be an apostle, be a shepherd, be a teacher; but don’t hide behind those titles, using them as an excuse to not stretch and grow those areas where you may be weaker.”

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