Photo Courtesy of Ben Heine (cc)
Technological breakthroughs coupled with the ever-connected global village have birthed a generation that sees the world differently. Millennials are a beautiful generation that is highly creative! Creatives are everywhere — especially in the university context. I believe there are more opportunities now for creatives to express themselves than ever before!
Creatives love to express themselves with stunning photography, video, music, and story. YouTube is filled with aspiring artists, poets, and musicians. Documentaries are being released constantly that uncover our world with a new lens. Blogs are bursting forth with brilliant ideas and images. New indie bands are endlessly creating the soundtracks for our lives.
What do you do with such creativity? Monetize it? Glorify it? Label it, dismiss it, and hope for the best? No — this creativity has been released for a reason! Creatives must be given permission and room to express the heart of God to the world.
It is the prophetic voice of our generation.
Photo Courtesy of csoccio (cc)
Paintings. Music. Photography. Documentaries. Poems. Stories. They can be gripping and transformative. Creatives can reach places that your ordinary, status quo approach will not reach. How can you empower creatives to be a powerful, relevant, prophetic voice? What should you tell them? I suggest telling them the following 5 tips on how to develop their prophetic voice:
Tip #1: “Follow God’s Word.”
The prophetic voice must align with God’s Word. It is easy for your creative students to be influenced by the worldview of other creatives. Therefore, disciple creative students using the life of Jesus and the principles found in the Bible. This is vital. Some art forms have become vulgar and cynical.
Challenge creatives to engage with a more compelling theology of art. Remember that God is creative. Jesus cares for the artist. The Holy Spirit empowers creativity. Ministers are called to evoke the emotions of people as well as the mind. Beauty and design are from God. Follow God’s lead.
Tip #2: “Utilize your Voice!”
The prophetic voice must be practiced. My Dad always says, “If you don’t use it, you’ll lose it…” It’s true. Ask creatives to utilize their insights to bring color into the current structures of your organization. Offer them the opportunity to bring music, stories, and videos together in a way that enhances everyone’s view of God.
Your creative students should allow their imagination to become a part of their worship lifestyle. Some sing hymns to God, but creatives paint, write, or capture photos… unto God. Do not let others discourage your creatives because they are different! Creatives are a part of the Kingdom.
Tip #3: “Comfort the broken-hearted…”
The prophetic voice comforts. Consider how many students on campus are looking for comfort. Often Millennials can live sheltered lives and be oblivious; therefore, open doors for them so that they will experience a God that mourns for His creation. Creatives need help to see the deep brokenness in the world and on campus.
Ask your creative students to compose art that comforts the broken world. Their interaction with brokenness may enable them to create art that will move their peers into action. Sometimes a powerful message needs to come in the form of a photograph not another expositional preaching.
Photo Courtesy of karrah.kobus (cc)
Tip #4: “Confirm the vision.”
The prophetic voice brings confirmation. Being a world changer can be difficult — you can lose hope. Sometimes one story or photograph can change how you feel. It can help you remember the vision and confirm it. I remember when I found a picture from my latest mission trip to India. It was a picture of precious little baby girl named Lisa.
Lisa should not have been born because her mother was considered barren. However, through the power of God, Lisa’s mother was healed. One year later, Lisa was born! This story and photograph remind me that there is still hope! God is powerful! Therefore, inspire creatives to confirm our role as world changers!
Tip #5: “Convict sin and injustices!”
The prophetic voice convicts people of darkness. Challenge creatives to share the gospel through art. I believe that one word from the Lord embodied in a song or picture can melt away years of aggression, bitterness, and apathy. Lives can be changed.
Help creatives see that their art can convict the world of social injustices that transpire everyday. The lack of clean water, the plight of the trafficked, and the countless children that experience hunger every night. These causes need a voice, but not just any voice… a voice that this generation can understand.
Sing about these causes! Photograph these causes! Showcase these causes through documentaries. Allow the world to experience the darkness up close and personal. Convict the world of its actions! This generation needs to hear!
Photo Courtesy of caroline.angelo
Lead creatives in such a way that they realize their potential for Kingdom impact. These creatives can be the next Jeremiahs, Ezekiels, and John the Baptists for this generation. Don’t allow any of this creativity to be buried or wasted. Make room for these talents to change the world! Start today.

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As a church “creative”, I think I can say your post really confirms so much of what I believe about creative ministry and its potential to impact the world for the cause of Christ! Great post, bro!
Samson, thanks for your response!
My hope is that creatives will seize this great opportunity not to merely express themselves artistically but to be a powerful, prophetic voice — a voice that comforts, confirms, and convicts our generation.
Thanks for what you do!