Can’t seem to find the words at work? Let Anthony encourage you.
This is a guest post by Anthony Moore. He is the Director of Business Development at a San Diego Company. He is also a graduate of San Diego State University and was very involved in the InterVarsity ministry I led there for several years. I am so proud of how he is stepping out at work – I had to have him share!
[you may also like “How to Start a Ministry at Work“]
I worked for a small marketing startup right after I graduated from college. It was difficult.
I worked alongside about 15 guys, and after my first week or so, I had decided that there really wasn’t any room for talk about “Jesus” in the midst of these 20-something-years-old guys whose main hobbies included getting blacked-out drunk and picking up girls at bars.
After a year of nearly nonexistent discussions about God at work, I was told that I was being let go – company restructuring. I felt defeated on every level – like I had missed my chance for Jesus. Again.
Later on, I was offered a new job. After 5 months of soul-crushing (and soul-restructuring) unemployment, Jesus had turned things around in my life. And I decided that my faith at work was going to be different this time.
I’m just a regular Christian, like you. Sure, I grew up in church, I was even the club president of a Christian ministry in college.
If you’re tired of wondering when the heck you’re going to finally snap into the person Jesus wants you to be at work, here are 3 easy ways to start.
1. Start with a simple act of faith
What’s the most terrifying thing involving Jesus can you imagine yourself doing at work?
Don’t be ashamed if it’s not “preaching the gospel to your boss” or even asking someone if you could pray for them. For me, even telling people “I went to church over the weekend” was akin to stepping out into the stormy sea to walk on water.
Now, I lead a weekly bible study at work. Every Wednesday, there are always at least 5-6 people that come, some weeks getting up to 10 or more. The best part – its not just Christians. People from different walks of faith have come, including a young woman who had left God after severe traumas in high school.
“This is the first time I feel like I’m coming back to God,”
she said in one of the first meetings.
Still others come, one young woman who was raised Buddhist, but was invited by the very same young woman who had decided to give God another try.
It all started with just some simple acts of faith.
Some of the biggest movements in the world have been led by a simple person with the guts to start small. Martin Luther King Jr. Mahatma Gandhi. Cesar Chavez.
2. Your work longs for spiritual fulfillment
I work at a big company – there are a lot of people there. It’s stressful, difficult, and can be very discouraging. People don’t want support and community – people need it.
There’s a young woman in my bible study. She’s told us that she really struggles with anxiety, fear, helplessness, and she feels like she can’t do anything about it. But every time she comes, she tells us how happy she is that she found this group of people to lean on, to get prayer from, and to support. Almost every week, she sends emails out to all of us, saying she’s praying for us and asking for prayer to minister to her husband.
There are people at work who want to know Jesus – they want community, support, and genuine, servant-minded people in their corner.
That’s you. It’s OK to be scared, even terrified – just remember that Jesus didn’t give you a spirit of fear. He gave you guts, and people need you to dig deep and get bold.
3. Realize that a bible study at work isn’t creating a world-class spiritual conference every week
Back in high school, my drum line instructor told us something very interesting: “Learning the music is easy, we can teach you the music. Learning proper technique is hard, that takes time.” For Jesus-followers like ourselves, if we know the techniques, the scripture and the biblical knowledge will follow.
Many people in the bible study at my work always, always, always leave the meeting telling us how supported they feel, how they can actually face the very real problems of job security and work performance, because they know that Jesus will provide.
Want to know why? Honestly, it’s because of how great my speaking is. I’m just, so knowledgeable of scripture and biblical practices, the Pharisees could learn a thing or two from me.
Truth be told, I’d say I’m pretty unknowledgeable about scripture. I grapple with anxiety and social embarrassment (which I’m sure is something only I struggle with).
It’s not about creating a world-class sermon. It’s about creating a time for coworkers to talk about Jesus.
So what’s stopping you?
If you take away 1 thing from this post, ask yourself this: what is God inviting me to do with my faith at work?
Dive into that this week. Pray and ask Jesus what he wants you to do. When God told Moses to go to Pharaoh, he was frustrated with Moses because God already had everything planned out. If only Moses would just do as I asked, he would see the entire nation of Israel freed from their chains and delivered into the Promised Land.
What does God already have planned at your work? Leave a comment
[you may also like “How to Start a Ministry at Work“]

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