***UPDATE*** see the bottom video…
Last week I started the series “when things go wrong in planting“. Well, here’s this weeks version – River Parishes Community College.
***UPDATE*** see the bottom video…
Last week I started the series “when things go wrong in planting“. Well, here’s this weeks version – River Parishes Community College.
Friends, many things go right in planting. We love the transformations and the breakthroughs.
Here is my most recent breakthrough.
Also, did you know I moved to Louisiana to plant?
But what about when things go wrong?
This is part of a series called “Starting From Zero”. I am chronicling my current mission and what it looks like to start something new, in a new place.
The water park is designed to stretch you beyond your fear.
And, so is God’s mission.
When it comes to apostolic mission, fear is always involved too. Trying something new, leaving what you know behind and stepping outside the walls of conventional wisdom has a way of both exhilarating and paralyzing us with fear.
Hello Release The APE community!
My family and I have taken on a completely new start up mission with InterVarsity – the same organization I have been working with for 13 years.