“Today, many churches believe their survival and success depends on collecting and consolidating more resources, programs, paid staff, property and people in attendance.”
Year: 2016
How To Interpret Spiritual Gifts
I was asked this question on Twitter today:
@ReleaseTheAPE Think may have asked this before, but how can I explain to others why Eph 4 ministry list trumps others as ministry dynamic?
— Aídan and Abetting (@AidanAshby) February 15, 2016
@ReleaseTheAPE Would you say because Eph is the ecclesiastical epistle, particularly describing the nature and structure of the church?
— Aídan and Abetting (@AidanAshby) February 15, 2016
It is a great question and this is how I would simply answer it.
There is a difference between calling and gifts.
Think of the Ephesian 4 “callings” as vehicles and the “gifts” of the Spirit in Corinthians as accessories that trick up the car.
I Almost Quit
Since this blog is committed to encouraging planters, prophets and evangelists, I thought I would bring you into my process as a young planter over the last year. I have been severely tested and I almost quit my current mission! I have kept this off the blog because I wanted to go through the process more fully (although it is not done) and stay focused as well. I feel now is the time to let you in, and I hope this encourages you in your mission.