3 Things Every Seeking Person Needs


By Beau Crosetto

I did not grow up in a religious home, never went to church growing up, and wasn’t really that interested in God – I never thought about him.

But then one day in high school a few of my buddies (the same ones I would smoke pot with occasionally) struck up a conversation about the end times and we started talking about if it was real or not. I had no idea. But something inside of me was pretty sure it was real and that the end times would come. It was just one of those things that you kind of deep down believed but you don’t know why.

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What’s Behind Their Questions?

Question Marks

By Eric Rafferty

My kids are in a serious question asking phase.  For example, two nights ago I woke up in the middle of the night to a voice whispering in my ear, “Daddy, do bees have families?”

What was going on in my four year old son’s mind?  Exactly what it sounds like.  He woke up at 2:30 and was thinking about bees and whether or not they have families.  So, naturally, he got out of his bed, came into my room and woke me up to find out.

That’s the beauty of curiosity in a child.  You can take a question at exactly its face value.  Curiosity springs up and a question is asked because an answer is needed.  Question = I want to find the answer.

When it comes to grown ups and the spiritual questions that our friends ask, I don’t think that’s always the case.

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Standing With A Prophet: Stand With The Victims


By Beau Crosetto

Prophets always die.

They come against majority culture with correction and when you anger the majority culture, you will die…Biblically in a literal sense and today in America in reputation and standing.

Today Zach Hoag has been going off on twitter about the recent conviction of the youth pastor of Covenant Life Church in Maryland for the repeated sexual abuse of three minors (keep reading for details).


And his prophetic word is not being received and some people are starting to anger.

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3 Ways to Overcome Your Anxiety About Jesus at Work

Can’t seem to find the words at work? Let Anthony encourage you.

217185_10150161042940893_900011_nThis is a guest post by Anthony Moore. He is the Director of Business Development at a San Diego Company. He is also a graduate of San Diego State University and was very involved in the InterVarsity ministry I led there for several years. I am so proud of how he is stepping out at work – I had to have him share!


[you may also like “How to Start a Ministry at Work“]

I worked for a small marketing startup right after I graduated from college. It was difficult.

I worked alongside about 15 guys, and after my first week or so, I had decided that there really wasn’t any room for talk about “Jesus” in the midst of these 20-something-years-old guys whose main hobbies included getting blacked-out drunk and picking up girls at bars.

After a year of nearly nonexistent discussions about God at work, I was told that I was being let go – company restructuring. I felt defeated on every level – like I had missed my chance for Jesus. Again.

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Wind Opens Doors


By Beau Crosetto

Yesterday after a full day of meetings I stopped by the beach to do a walk and prayer time. The wind was blowing incredibly hard for Southern California – it was hard to walk and ocean water was spraying up onto the walkway.

As I was walking, I heard God say to me, “Beau, I am so much more powerful than the strongest wind.”

It caught me off guard and I began to think about the Holy Spirit as wind.

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The Invisible Work of God


The Kingdom of Heaven is like yeast…

By Beau Crosetto

Keep Witnessing – Keep Leaning In – God is working.

Just yesterday while I was driving with my neighbor to go play volleyball, he opened up to me again and said,

“Beau, three different times I almost called you from work to tell you ‘Ok, I am ready to have the talk.’”

He continued on to tell me that he knows he needs God in his life but he is just being too prideful. He assured me that we are going to have the talk soon.

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