Exponential: Let’s Connect & Free Webcast

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I am heading to Exponential as we speak and wanted to let you know I will be there and would love to connect if you are there as well. Love meeting people and saying hi, so tweet me or Facebook me if you want to say hi!

  • Im part of a panel discussion with James Choung and Shawn Young at 1pm on Wednesday where we will be talking about witness and mission.
  • Thursday at 8:45am I will be leading a seminar on turning casual conversations into eternal encounters.

Also, if you can’t make it, they are live webcasting for free. Check it out.



Book Review: Church Zero

zeroBy Dr. Mark Convoy

The Church of Jesus Christ sports a 2000 year history, punctuated by breakthroughs, set-backs, catastrophes, and new beginnings. Peyton Jones’s book, “Church Zero” is nothing less than a cry for a hard-boot, restart of the modern evangelical leadership structure.  Imagine the gall of an upstart Southern California church planter, calling for nothing less than the restructuring of the modern common highly centralized evangelical church leadership model. Then imagine the possibility that he may be right.

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4 Lessons Learned on the Missional Journey


By Laura Hairston

About 4 years ago, my husband, Ryan and I heard the term ‘missional’ for the first time. For us, it was a completely new concept learning to live as missionaries in the places God had already placed us. Also, hearing of the 60% who would never walk through the doors of the church on our best Sunday where we were on staff. And, hey, I grew up a southern Baptist girl in Texas – all of this rocked my world, as I am sure you can imagine.

So, we made a huge paradigm shift and life change.

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ReThinking Witness: Creating a Culture for Discipling Skeptics


A blog post about James & my new ebook was written last week highlight a section of our book. If you would like to read an excerpt before downloading, now is your chance.

When it comes to discipling skeptics and seekers, we’ve found that it’s easier for believers to get involved in evangelism when you have an evangelistic community that supports their endeavors. Not only that, they’ll also be more effective. To do that, you need to address the culture of your faith community. How would you change a church culture so that it supported discipling of skeptics and seekers? Here’s a summary of five (download our new eBook,  Discipling Skeptics and Seekers,for the full text) of six rhythms that can help:

Read the full article with the five rhythms here.