Eric Metcalf is the Lead Planter of Community Lincoln Park | Old Town – a new church being launching in downtown Chicago on Oct 20, 2013. Eric also provides leadership to NewThing’s Leadership Residency Program – a program designed to apprentice church planters to start new churches. Previously, Eric led NewThing (, a growing church planting network focused on catalyzing a movement of reproducing churches. Under Eric’s leadership, NewThing was able to double in size every year for 3 years straight; reaching a goal of planting 1 new church every 11 days. Eric has been married for 14 years to his beautiful wife Erin and has three incredible children: Joey (9), Lydia (8), and Max (5).
Because of his leadership with New Thing, I asked him to write a post on the top 3 things church planters must do. He has seen tons of churches plant over his years, so he has a thing or two to teach us!
I led NewThing for almost 4 years and I found 3 things to be true. I’m now planting a church, a Campus of Community Christian Church, in downtown Chicago (Lincoln Park) and I’m still finding those 3 things to be true. Want to know what they are, keep reading you will find out what I believe are the top 3 things churches must do.
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