Is Reaching LGBTQ People Worth It?

Gay Pride Flag

This is a guest post by Kate Vosburg. She has been on IV staff for almost 15 years, on 6 different campuses.  She loves serving alongside her husband, Dave, who is a professor on the campus where she serves.  With him as a faculty, on the inside of campus, there have been some amazing opportunities to share the gospel.  Kate is an evangelist who loves to be on the front-lines with her students, finding ways into unreached communities and sharing the Gospel.  Dave and Kate have 3 kids (Nate 6, Isabella 4, Diego 4) who keep Kate on her toes and laughing at their creative, crazy antics.

So, is reaching LGBTQ (Lesibian, Gay, Bi, Transgender, Queer) people worth it?  Many evangelical Christians seem to say no.  Not explicitly, of course.  But when we don’t actively reach out to people in the LGBTQ community and proactively address homosexuality in all its complexity, we basically opt out of LGBTQ ministry.  There are very few LGBTQ people who will enter a Christian space that has not made it clear that they’re welcome.  And I don’t blame them; everyone “knows” how Christians treat gay people (a stereotype that is grounded in many years of countless experiences).

The Deep Need

However, there is a deep spiritual hunger in the LGBTQ community, as far as I’ve found.  There are many gay people with Christian backgrounds, but they feel they were ostracized from Christian community once they came out.  There are many other gay folks who are spiritually curious and hungry, but they discount Christ because they have heard that his followers don’t want them unless they’re straight.  (And of course, there are also many of us Christians in Christian communities who have LGBTQ sexual desires and don’t know how to work deal with these desires, fearing to ask our Christian communities for help.)

Who will reach this lost group of people?  These people whom Christ loves and has come to rescue?  Who will help our Christian brothers and sisters who struggle alone?

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Multiethnicity: More than a Value


By Eric & Stacy Rafferty

[This is the start of a four part series on multiethnicity in the missional church. Unfortunately when we look at many of our churches, even missional ones, there is not much diversity among them. This series hopes to prophetically challenge the church and its leaders to cross cultures and build multiethnic communities!]

If you can’t tell from our tiny little picture, we come from different worlds. While a White guy from Nebraska falling in love with a Mexican

American girl from East LA sounds like the start of a romantic comedy (and a lot of the time it is hilarious), our cross-cultural relationship and the broader context of multiethnic community have been the deep waters of God’s discipling work in our lives.

Multiethnic community is where God called us each to jump ship and follow him in a new direction. It’s where He exposes our sin, selfishness, and cultural blinders every day. And it’s where God has revealed something of what his Kingdom is like.

Multiethnicity has become for us something more than just another value that Christians are supposed to care about. It has become a picture of the Kingdom at work in a community on mission together.

Here’s our story:

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The Fan Is Spinning But The Light Is Out


By Beau Crosetto

When some of us were at Urbana we got together for our first ever A.P.E gathering and we had a great time sharing, praying and encouraging each other about all things apostolic, prophetic, evangelistic.

[Make sure to subscribe to our A.P.E. Newsletter so you don’t miss the next one! Here is the last letter I sent out with some apprentice resources not found on the blog.]

One of the things that was prayed out was an image of a fan spinning but the light was out.

The interpretation on this image was that the temptation for us as catalytic leaders is to lead and be busy, essentially spinning around, but not be fueled by the constant light of Jesus.

We appear active and “on” but there is no light!

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Daddy I Really Want to Get out of Here!


By Jon Hietbrink

“When Jesus had finished speaking, he said to Simon, ‘Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.”

It wasn’t their first interaction, but it was the definitive one. In the course of an afternoon, Simon went from a fisherman hanging around the fringes of Jesus’ ministry to a fisher of men following his Lord, and this exchange became the fulcrum on which Peter’s life pivoted.  Jesus’ command was simple but ludicrous; Peter’s response was hedged but obedient; the result was abundant but terrifying. Invited into this encounter by Luke, we see far more than an isolated event, but a paradigmatic experience of what it means to follow Jesus: He often asks us to step into deeper water than we are comfortable with, and He does it to show us more of Himself.

Isn’t this “deep water” experience the regular testimony of Jesus’ disciples in the gospels? Consistently engulfed by the destitute, increasingly combatted by the elite, inexplicably commanded to feed thousands, prematurely (it would seem!) sent to proclaim the nearness of the Kingdom, and ultimately entrusted with God’s message of salvation to the ends of the earth, the disciples’ journey of following Jesus was regularly akin to jumping into the deep end of the pool and learning to swim. Being “over their heads” wasn’t an exceptional circumstance, it was relentlessly normal.

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By Dave Ferguson

We like to say when we discovered Troy McMahon he was working the third shift making Hamburger Helper.  And it’s true!  But is also true that he was working at General Mills, and they had him on the fast-track to upper-management.  While he was successful in the marketplace, he also had a great passion for Jesus and helping people find their way back to God.  Troy is just one example of someone who over the course of several years went from being a small group apprentice leader, to moving through a leadership path, to leading a network of new churches, and today is on his way to launching a movement.   Let’s re-trace his steps on this simple leadership path:

leadership path

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Check Out The Blog Series

Row of book

I wanted to write this post and highlight a new feature that has been up for a few months

Blog Series!

You can find the tab on the very top of the blog and inside the page is organized content according to different series we are doing.

One of the great benefits of a blog that has many writers is the opportunity to do series like this and organize thoughts and posts around certain topics.

Let me highlight a couple of my favorites for you.

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Kevin Costner Lied To Me


[this is part of the series “A.P.E. in the Movies” read the other post here]

This is a post by Luke Cawley

Kevin Costner. It turns out he lied to me.

I’d come to trust him as he busted Al Capone in The Untouchables, exposed the conspiracy to assassinate Kennedy in JFK, and wooed Maid Marian in Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves. So it was natural for me to keep trusting  him when I watched Field of Dreams. I was just a teenager when I first saw it. And I must have watched it over a dozen times.

If you’ve never seen the movie, Kevin Costner hears a voice whispering in his ear that “if you build it, they will come”. He takes this to mean that he must build a baseball field on his farm and that people will come and visit as a result. He obeys the voice, adventures ensue, he reconnects with the ghost of his father. Normal everyday stuff. The film ends with streams of cars driving towards his baseball field. He built it and they are coming.

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Great Evangelistic Preaching

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I just got back from Urbana with 16,000 others and my final reflection is about great evangelistic preaching.

Ram Sridharan, an Area Director in Ohio, gave a great evangelistic message and call to follow Jesus where hundreds responded to the gospel. Here are four things that I loved about the talk and I think are key ingredients to all great evangelistic talks.

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