Exponential is Multiplying West

With Exponential in Orlando selling out and drawing 5,300 leaders on site and 40,000 to the live Exponential ’13 Webcast, Exponential’s plans to multiply to the West Coast are well underway. Exponential Los Angeles will be hosted by Rick Warren and Saddleback Church Oct. 7-10, and will feature 75+ speakers (Rick WarrenChoco de Jesus, Michael FrostLarry OsborneChris HodgesAlan HirschDerwin Gray and more); 2,000+ church planting leaders; 100+ workshop breakout sessions; 20 tracks and five pre-conference intensives.

Exponential Los Angeles will offer the DiscipleShift theme based on five shifts churches can make to plant and lead churches that make disciples who make disciples (outlined in the recently released book DiscipleShift by Jim Putman and Bobby Harrington, with Robert Coleman).

Exponential is praying the conference will be a gathering that spotlights the work of church planting already happening in the West; equips leaders; and catalyzes new conversations, relationships and ultimately church planting movements. 

If you weren’t able to make it to Orlando or want to give your spouse or team the opportunity to experience DiscipleShift live, make plans to attend Exponential LA. At less than $65 per person (when joined by a spouse), Exponential has made it as affordable as possible to attend. Register today at http://exponential.org/LA to get the Super Early rate of $99/$29 spouse registration! The price goes up on June 30. So reserve your spot this week.

Prop 8, DOMA, and the Christian Response:

Found this great post by Ed Stetzer that I thought you all might want to read in light of todays events.

Last week, the largest Christian ministry devoted to helping homosexuals struggle against their attractions apologized to the gay community and announced it was shutting down.

Today the Supreme Court of the United States struck down parts of the Defense of Marriage Act, passed in 1996. The Supreme Court also declined to rule on Proposition 8 from California (Christianity Today has the full story here).

In doing so, same-sex marriage recognition remains a state issue and (although this is not completely clear that this time) it appears to remain legal in California, as it is in 12 other states and the District of Columbia. Also, the United States government will recognize the legality of those marriages with respect to federal benefits. (I’ll update this paragraph as the ruling is analyzed, but this is the first look.)

Needless to say, our culture is changing– quickly and dramatically on this issue. But how should Christians respond?

Read the whole post here

A Planting Breakthrough @ LMU


LA Greeks gathering this school year for training and vision

As we are planting Greek Ministry with InterVarsity in Los Angeles, we continued to be surprised by a campus called Loyola Marymount. Loyola was not one of the first places we were looking to start Greek Ministry, but as I document in this post, God is growing something there underground. He has made it clear that we need to be there and get something started, so we have been obeying that this year. God took this ministry to the next step last night!

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Two Blocks To Incarnational Ministry

rafferty diagram

Any community that wants to be on mission with Jesus has got to be marked by incarnation. The heart of incarnational ministry is to encounter the love of God and to embody that love in a particular place with a particular people. Look at any community that has brought the gospel to a new environment in a transformational way and you’ll see them encountering the love of God and embodying his love in that place. They incarnate the gospel and lives are transformed. Sounds great right? So why isn’t every Christian community living incarnationally? We see two ways that a community can miss the mark of incarnation and fail to see transformation occur. We can fail to inhabit a community and we can fail to actually incorporate the gospel into our lives.

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5 Tips to Empower the Prophetic Voice of Creatives

Empower the Prophetic Voice of Creatives_photo1

Photo Courtesy of Ben Heine (cc)

Technological breakthroughs coupled with the ever-connected global village have birthed a generation that sees the world differently.  Millennials are a beautiful generation that is highly creative!  Creatives are everywhere — especially in the university context.  I believe there are more opportunities now for creatives to express themselves than ever before!

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See You Wednesday

Hate to say it but we wont have a post up until wednesday. I am heading out to Catalina Island for our InterVarsity Regional Conference and will have absolutely no wifi until Tuesday night. My other friends on the blog are busy doing stuff all around the world so I don’t have any posts to load at this point either.

So I guess we can see this as little resting and reflecting point.

In the mean time answer these questions for me in the comments. If you would rather privately tell me, then email me please. Your feedback is important for this blog to serve us all best.

What kinds of things (topics, styles, etc) have you enjoyed on the blog?
What kinds of things do you wish we had more of?

Also here are the five most popular posts, in order, the last quarter incase you have missed them and want to get caught up!

  1.  Christian Women – Getting !*$& Done For Jesus
  2. 2 Ways We Should Be Living Among Our Neighbors
  3. What is the Difference Between an Evangelist & an Apostle?
  4. Why We Miss Moments With God, And How To Fix That
  5. Can Students Plant Ministries By Themselves?

Have a great few days and thanks so much for reading this blog and contributing by commenting and sharing!