Jessica (second from left) hanging at MOPS
This is a guest post by Jessica Leep Fick. When she is not building Lego’s with her sons, trying to squeeze in a run or bake a loaf of bread, she serves with InterVarsity Christian fellowship as a Regional Evangelism Coordinator in a 4-state region in the Midwest to preach the gospel, teach and train in churches and campus groups across the country. You can find her blogging at www.sidewalktheologian.com
This has been a difficult post for me to write. I feel caught between what I read in scripture. What I have been told is normative and what I have personally experienced.
A few years ago I read Alan Hirsch’s book The Forgotten Ways. It blew my mind for about six months and I was reeling from the implications he outlined in one simple phrase- “the priesthood of all believers.” Though Alan’s description of apostolic genius- “the DNA that the Holy Spirit gives to believers to move the kingdom forward” I was gripped by this idea that I too could be, or actually was a legit priest in the royal priesthood. In part this post has been difficult to write because I don’t want to disparage the churches I have part of in the past. I don’t want to critique their doctrines, practices or structures. I just want to be a nice missionary to the college campus.
Yet I’m not simply that. I’m an evangelist. I speak prophetic words into people’s lives and structures. I feel gnawing turmoil inside when I see the church doing business as usual without asking- “are we in the right business?” I have seen too many of my friends who passionately led people to Jesus in college, planted bible studies with their study groups and organized campus outreaches be relegated to passing out church bulletins or working in the nursery on a Sunday morning. They are serving, yes, but not to the full potential of priests serving King Jesus in his royal priesthood. And the church, communities, neighborhoods and families are suffering because of it. They are living in darkness, sin and despair because evangelists like me have been told “leave it up to the professionals” instead of being empowered go and preach the living word.
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