[This post is part of the “4 Hour Campus Plant” series. I am live blogging my attempt to plant a ministry at a new campus with only 4 hours a week. This is a continuous story that builds, so make sure to start at the beginning.]
We didn’t get to meet this week on campus because of Memorial Day, but we did do a Google Hangout prayer time on Tuesday night at 9:30. Besides the fact that I fell asleep at 9pm when I started reading before the call, it was a great time to connect and really pray for the campus and each other. (Am I really getting that old???)
Juan David informed us that he was elected president of the Spanish Club on campus so we prayed for him about that influential role. Kimy had us pray for her last week of the semester as class winds down and they enter finals.
Wheat & Tares
But what was really interesting is that as we prayed for the campus and I asked for words or senses from the group, all three of them said they really felt “cult activity” on their hearts.
As we stopped to talk about it a bit, Juan David shared about how he had encountered a few people in cults in the last week, and he didn’t exactly know what to say to them. His friend and he talked about how these people have “zeal but for the wrong gospel.”
Kimy was feeling that they may start coming to our group and some of the people would experience Jesus for who he really is and come to know him.
Sean felt the word about the wheat and the tares and how they will remain on campus but in the end the true gospel will shine through and people will see. I thought that was a powerful word about how the enemy is sowing seeds as well on campus. It raised the question for us,
What should we do about the cults? How should we combat them or not?
The scripture gave us great context to think about those questions.
I felt like we are invited to match the boldness of the cults with boldness from the Spirit. I shared with the team tonight that I want to get them on campus talking to people in Jesus name and seeing how open and receptive people are. I know we are just building our core team right now, but we can’t let the cults do all the sharing can we?
The Debrief
Here are some of Kimy’s thoughts after our prayer time
The Lesson Learned
God always speaks. I knew we wouldn’t meet this week because of Memorial Day but I didn’t want us to miss connecting with God and each other. So we set this prayer time up last week. But honestly I didn’t really want to pray tonight. I have a looooong week, I freaking fell asleep at 9pm and had to set an alarm to make sure I woke up!! I was beat.
Sean was driving all over town for his job and had to push our meeting later just to make the call. Juan is in the middle of packing up his place too. Prayer isn’t easy to come by.
But I am so glad we made the time and showed up. And God spoke. He led us to pray for some great things and highlighted the urgency to pray against the cult activity on campus.
What I am Thinking
I am excited for these leaders and I am excited to press further into prayer with them and give them some 101 evangelism training. I am also feeling the need to hit the campus and talk to people and get a sense for what is really happening at LBCC. I am going to make some time for that in the coming weeks. Juan also asked me to model for him how I approach people and talk to them so I felt grateful for that trust he has in me and for the invitation to do this with him.
*I was messing with the team because they had never used Google hangout before…I didn’t realize that Kimy was going to screen capture and put me on blast! I promise, I am not a cult leader too!
[This post is part of the “4 Hour Campus Plant” series. I am live blogging my attempt to plant a ministry at a new campus with only 4 hours a week. This is a continuous story that builds, so make sure to start at the beginning.]
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