We are giving away 5 copies of James Choung’s new book Real Life!
We are really excited in this space to promote this and get it into your hands. This is a perfect book for those of you shaping mission in your churches because it gives a great paradigm for discipleship and following Jesus. It is a a book that every A.P.E. leader needs to read.
Make sure to enter yourself to win a copy by following the steps below.
Some of you may have seen James’s article yesterday detailing the release of his new book. If not make sure to read it!
But you can also check out this 3min video that brings you into the book! You’re gonna want it after watching this!
[tentblogger-youtube ep8XM5IFWsI]
Here is how to enter yourself for the drawing…
You can enter the drawing by doing any one of these four things. Each one is a separate entry, so you can have multiple shots at this book if you do them all!
- Comment (2 winners)
- Comment on this post below and share with us one favorite thing you do when discipling others. (2 winners)
- Twitter (1 winner)
- Tweet this post (below) using @releasetheape in the tweet. (each tweet is +1 entry)
- Facebook (2 winners)
- Comment on our Facebook Page telling us why you want the book!
- Share the post that is on our Facebook Page on your wall or in a group (make sure to share the one on our wall or I cannot tell)
So just to be clear, you can win by commenting, tweeting or Facebooking!
You can tweet as many times as you want for a chance to win!
The contest will be open all week!
I will notify you next week if you have won by replying to your comment, tweet or Facebook post!
Five Books will be given away this week. *All winners will be chosen randomly*

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Pick me! Pick me! I want to win a free copy!
I love taking the person I’m discipling around with me when I go through the dorms on the first week of school, knocking on everyone’s door and inviting them to the Bible study I’m hosting in their dorm. Almost everyone receives this invitation neutrally to well (especially since I bring homemade cookies along as a welcome gift), and my disciplee is usually really surprised that people are as friendly as we find them. And there are always a few people who aren’t Christians who express interest, which blows the disciplee out of the water. It’s awesome to then follow-up on these interested people together and see if we can start a GIG.
Free book?! Why wouldn’t I do my favorite thing (talking) to try and win :-).
My absolute favorite thing to do when discipline someone is to EAT. I’m a devotee of “discipmealing”. When I try to live hospitably and share meals with fellow disciples I think that relationships grow larger than our bellies and we braise in Jesus dialogues – slowly breaking down our prideful sinew, greedy fat, and addictive tendons. After eating together there’s nothing better than tasting the sweet mercy of Christ over a creme brûlée.
My favorite thing to do with a new disciple is to baptize them and immediately after that, let them help me baptize the next person to come into the water. That way, I’m giving them a visual reminder and practical experience that tells them they are a disciple-making disciple! The first time I did this, the college student told me it was the best day of his life because he both baptized, and got to baptize. Can’t wait to read that book!
That line above should read “both got to be baptized, and got to baptize”.
My favorite thing to do when discipling someone is to be there for her in difficult times. Though no one wants to see someone in pain, I am assured that she knows that someone is there to listen. I find encouragement by pointing to Christ in those times; it definitely sharpens my faith, and I know the Holy Spirit is working in her as well.
Sarah you have won a copy of the book! Congrats! email me at beau@releasetheape.com for your free copy!
Cool! When discipline I like to engage the theological imagination by having them meet Jesus in unexpected places. Because Jesus is here!
I seek to agitate a person’s status quo, gently nudging them out of their comfort zone and causing them to rely more intentionally on Jesus for wisdom and direction.
I don’t know if I’m too late to win the book (I hope not!)… For the past year and a half I’ve been discipling students through the apostle’s creed. I’ve been developing a new believer’s guide that another student could pick up and lead their new believer friend (or anyone they’re discipling) through as well. Each week we look at the next line of the creed; do a bible study that enforces the foundational truth for that week; and challege them with a missional activity (“discipleship cycle”) to help bring it out of being merely “intellectual” and into mission. It’s been a great way to walk with students and we’re seeing it gain more traction as more students lead their friends through it as well!
I read the Bible one-to-one and marvel at seeing God’s Word work in people’s lives by the power of the Spirit.
One of my favorite things when disciplining students is to challenge them to do something that is outside of their comfort zone. It’s always amazing to see how God transforms students when they are willing to step into risk for Him whether they “succeed” or fail. 🙂
Mari, you have won a copy of the book! Congrats! email me at beau@releasetheape.com for your free copy!
It is all about building a relationship with them. As you get to know them then you can speak wisdom into them and then introduce them to God and bring them to events that have other Christians such as an Alliance Conference, Intervarsity or Renovate. The Holy Spirit will work in them to want to do so much and change the world for Jesus.
Have the books been awarded yet? I’m sure I didn’t get mine in the mail yet (Wink)
Congrats Mari and Sarah! you have won!