An ordinary every day student being equipped to go start something new at InterVarsity Southern California’s Ignite Conference
[I love training others in evangelism, and I do it for churches and InterVarsity Chapters all the time. If you would like me to come to your church or ministry and facilitate evangelism training, please email me to set up a time]
This weekend at our Regional Evangelism Conference “Ignite” I watched at least 500 students get vision, training and empowerment around the apostolic, prophetic and evangelistic giftings.
A word was preached imploring us to live by faith and start the new things God is calling us to go do. There were multiple seminars on topics like “Justice and evangelism” “Turning every day conversations into spiritual ones” “Starting new things with God” and “how to start prayer movements that empower evangelistic culture”.
I watched them hear from God, get trained and make plans to do what God asked them to do. I couldn’t help but think of who will be coming to faith on campus this year. I was reminded of this tweet I got last year just days after my seminar I led on spiritual conversations.
This tweet and this conference brought joy to my heart as I knew we were raising up more A.P.E. leaders. We are bringing a more complete and full picture of Jesus to each other, the campus and the world.
It brought together what Paul makes plain in Ephesians 4:1-16
Releasing the five-fold ministry is what shows the full expression of the church, and therefore Jesus. Without all five, we are showing just a shadow of who He is.
Unfortunately what I got to witness this weekend is not the norm in the church as many subscribe to a belief that the A.P.E. is not for today or if it is, it is only for leaders.
Thankfully this ordinary woman didn’t believe that “only a church leader could do this” and she got to experience the best joy in the world…seeing a friend come to faith because of her partnership with God.
**UPDATED at 8:55pm**
I just received this facbook update on our InterVarsity site. This is a report from just this last weekend.
Here’s a praise: a frosh who came to Ignite was physically healed.
During the healing prayer time, God stretched her shortened leg (from a ski accident and birth defect combo) 1-1.5 inches. So her legs are now almost the same length. Her back and hip problems are now clearing up. God also stretched her faith–as you might imagine.
She’s testifying at large group tonight. We’ll see what our community thinks of physical healing miracles. Thank you, Lord, for your mercy!
What Evangelists Do
The seminar I taught at ignite was called “How to turn everyday conversations into spiritual ones” and I teach students out of Acts 8 how Philip is able to listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit and go where the Spirit sends Him.

Beau teaching the “Turning everyday conversations into evangelistic opportunities” seminar at the Ignite Conference”
Philip is willing to be out of control and he is wiling to follow. Furthermore, Philip is willing to put himself into very awkward positions (standing next to a Chariot!!!) for the possibility of a spiritual conversation and a breakthrough with Jesus.
Philip is also bold and willing to ask the Ethiopian about what he is reading and if he understands. Philip is your quintessential bold evangelist and I take a few direct points from him on “what evangelists do”.
- They listen to the Holy Spirit and follow Him no matter the cost
- They are willing to be put in awkward situations for the Lord
- They are good listeners and find places of conversation
- They are bold and speak up inside that awkward moment
- People come to faith when they get involved.
I love Philip so much and he challenges me and fires me up! There are many different types of evangelists (Like Jesus with the woman at the well) so this does not have to be our only picture. In the weeks to come I will unpack the role of the evangelist even more! But let me leave you with a thought.
Awkwardness always precedes breakthrough
This statement and reality above is the reason most of us never see people come to faith. For most of us, as soon as we feel or see an awkward moment coming, we bail on the situation. Right after the awkward moment with Philip standing by the chariot, breakthrough comes when he hears the guy reading and boldly but gently inserts himself into the situation. Evangelists engage awkward moments because breakthrough is right around the corner and they believe that with all their heart!
I cannot think of a time I have led someone to faith, where there wasn’t a bit of awkwardness before. Awkwardness can be from us, (which we want to minimize. I am not suggesting for us to be awkward!!) but it also can be from them or the very fact that the kingdom of Satan is warring with the Kingdom of God in these moments. There is a spiritual tension and tension can cause awkwardness.
Push through and wear it for the sake of your friends!
Can you recall a time where you pushed through an awkward situation and breakthrough came in evangelism? Or maybe a time when you bailed, and now you are thinking to yourself, “man, I wished I would have pushed through that one…”
[If you would like me to come to your church or ministry and facilitate training on evangelism and/or take you through this particular training I did at “Ignite”, please email me to set up a time]
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Just now had an awkward moment with one of the gals I have been getting to know here in LA as we ate lunch/dinner and God helped me stay focused on spiritual things instead of walk thru the tangents that can come up….it ends up we got talking alot about her background..moving forward one hang time at a time….she got one of my purple bibles I brought with me to LA and I was glad that it really was God leading in my nudge to bring it to her one day as she has never had one and I think she is open to the things of God….it’s funny after eating with her to read this about awkwardness…thanks for the post
That is awesome! Love the idea of someone getting their first Bible! And you got to give it to her! So cool! Way to press through!
Thanks Beau…what’s funny with the Bible stuff is that I found a place in the state I just left that has over 80 NT NIV’s for me and they are selling them to me for $1,50 each…can you believe that??…leather bound too…small as a kindlefire and 1/4 thick….talking about being equipped and expecting BIG stuff from God …beyond excited!!!
Wow! You are going to be the female version of the Gideons!
You are too funny!!I think we all are walking Bibles that people read…I hope I’m a good read…I have met alot of people without hope this last year and the only sure way to be refresh and grow in courage is to get in the word…these books are very compact so I love them…with limited funds it doesn’t take much to have lots for little moula…Most people I know are in the same boat
Great work! Students need to be emboldened to have awkward conversations. We equipped our 20 student leaders how to do a simple tool we call gospel appointments. In 3 weeks of our “Fall Outreach” we have seen 42 students make decisions to follow Jesus. We have seen similar results with this strategy the last couple years. I write about it here http://faithoncampus.com/outreach-that-you-will-actually-do-sharing-jesus-using-gospel-appointments-part-i/ One motto we have is “Awkward Conversations Change Lives.” I think you would like this great talk by CBU campus minister Brian Zunigha http://challengecsuc.podbean.com/2011/08/01/if-you-share-the-gospel-you-will-lead-people-to-christ-by-brian-zunigha/
Paul, just read these…they are so funny to read and and being in a library I am excercising self control by not laughing on how script they are.Thanks for the post!!..it is so good to have a framework for others to have just to get started…I am blessed to have had a solid foundation set early in my spiritual life to make sharing Christ as natural as breathing…I also would like to say that as people dig deep into the disciplines of daily getting with God in prayer and reading the word they will be attunded to seeing their day thru God’s eyes and perhaps see more opportunities…Memorizing key verses has also helped me…I was very excited to hear of the fruit of this…I imagine all of heaven was rejoicing
great stuff paul!