Annie & Stephanie: Two Alaskan students starting something new
By Shawn Young
Do you think it’s possible for students to plant ministries, or does it take a “professional minister” to do it? Historically, Christian student initiatives have been controlled, limited or dismissed by professional clergy because they “lack the theological training necessary”. But the simple fact is, there are not enough campus ministers to reach the 4000 colleges and universities just in the United States, much less the rest of the world. We simply cannot afford to confine the expansion of new ministry to the number of “full-time campus ministers” we can hire. The only way that every campus will have a witnessing community is if students are taken seriously as planters themselves.
I believe that every Christian student carries within them the potential to start a Jesus-centered community that can reach others with the gospel. Annie and Stephanie are two students who proved this to be true.
Accidental Apostles
Exactly one year ago, Annie and her friend Stephanie were involved in the InterVarsity chapter at the University of Fairbanks, Alaska. During their Sophomore year, they were told that the classes they needed to graduate were only offered at the University of Anchorage. They made a visit to Anchorage to prepare for transferring to that campus. That’s when they discovered that the University of Anchorage, Alaska had 900 students living in the dorms, and there were no Christian organizations for students. That day, the two began talking about the possibility of planting an InterVarsity chapter “to give all 900 students in these dorms the chance to follow Jesus”. They began to plan their new ministry, and that’s when I was asked for a copy of Start Something New for Annie and Stephanie. I’ve been in touch with them ever since.
Didn’t God Speak to Us?
A strange thing happened next. When Annie and Stephanie returned home, they learned that the classes they needed were going to be offered at their Fairbanks campus after all. It was as if the circumstances were testing their sense of calling from God. Annie recalls, “At one point we looked at each other and said, ‘But didn’t God speak to us in Anchorage?’” They decided to go through with their transfer, not because it was needed for graduation, but because God had called them to reach that campus!
They began this school year by walking through their Start Something New handbook, praying for the campus and asking God to connect them with other like-minded people. In the first semester, they had shared their vision with dozens of students, and 10 students joined them to launch bible studies in 3 dorms.
Annie and Stephanie began training students how to share their faith with others. “It was a huge step for most of them”, says Annie. “At first they were really timid about talking to people about Jesus, but they saw that people were open to talking, and they sensed God was working”. “Now they all want to do more. They want to start next year by engaging the campus with the gospel”.
Wanting to Plant More
Yesterday I spoke with Annie to ask how the year had ended. She reported that over 50 students are regularly involved with the ministry in Anchorage. There is a team of leaders that meets weekly to pray, plan and support each other. I’m so impressed with Annie and Stephanie’s leadership. They have 3 contacts from the Native Alaskan student community on campus and they hope to work with them to start reaching those students. Annie told me yesterday on the phone, “It was exciting for me when I visited the website for InterVarsity and saw that there were now two chapters listed in Alaska. Anchorage is on the map!”
This is what gives me chills–seeing what God has done through two faithful students–and knowing that right now 40,000 students and faculty are currently involved with InterVarsity across the country. What if they all did what Annie and Stephanie did this year? It makes the dream of reaching all 4000 colleges in the United States seem within reach, within this generation.
Where are some of the campuses around you that are unreached and need a witness? Lets list them and pray for students to rise up like Annie and Stephanie.

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Can I be honest? I grow jealous. And then I am discouraged. I wish I had the boldness and ambition to grow chapters on unreached campuses, but I have a hard time even wanting to encounter Jesus daily in the Word or an extended prayer time. How can this be post be possible if I am, what I perceive as, fearful and lazy?
Hey Jessie–I think we all can relate to being fearful, lazy, distracted, undisciplined, etc. Don’t let those things stop you from discovering God’s purpose for your life. I believe a genuine disciple of Jesus brings everything to Him–some of it needs to be “pruned” so we can be fruitful for the Kingdom. Some things in our life need to be transformed into something that reflects God’s desires. And some things have yet to be awakened in us–things that you will never see unless you take steps of faith and engage in Kingdom work. That only happens when you start seeking God in all honesty. Sometimes I have to fast from eating in order to get desperate enough to get real with God. It makes me cranky enough to pray real, gritty, honest prayers, not fluffy boring polite prayers.